Looks like a new legal refrigerant.

Started by Carnut, March 03, 2011, 01:23:50 AM

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EPA approves new air conditioning refrigerant


Sure is nice to have a caring government keeping us all safe with this kinda stuff.


If you look it up, Freon is heavier than air.

So how does it ever reach the upper atmosphere ?

wayne petty

ozone is highly reactive...  O3...   three oxygens together..

chlorine  is the problem in the freon..  contains chlorines...  

the chlorine atoms just  wonder around splitting ozone molecules apart...

the Ozone molecules have a neat ability to absorb untraviolet...

ozone molecules seem to be created by electrical arcs... more than likely lightning ...

excessive UV reaching the ground will burn plants... cause skin cancer.. reduce the ability of continuing live ....

the ozone hole that was and still might be over the south pole was bad enough that on the tip of south america... punto arenas .. people were having to wear large diameter hats and long sleeve shirts to avoid getting burned in just a few minutes..   the crops they were growing were also being damaged by the excessive UV blasting through the Ozone hole...

it does not take a LOT of ozone ... a good idea would be to modify some 747s like the super tankers that drop water..  equip them to  disperse factory created ozone


Maybe this new one won't be carcinogenic like the last one.
'32 3W

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