November 22 , 1963

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, November 21, 2010, 11:58:11 AM

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I would ask you folks to remember the events that happened in the USA on November 22 1963.

The assassination  of President   Kennedy

It is one of the earliest memories I have of a national event

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


An event like that will stay in your mind forever.
Same as 9/11


For those of us in that particular generation, that is one thing that will always be remembered in complete detail, as far as world or national events are concerned.
Rrumbler - Older, grouchier, broken; but not completely dead, yet.


Etched in the minds of many here in Australia also.
Curiously though.  It was only yesterday afternoon listening to a radio broadcaster on one of our local stations talking about his birthday 22nd Nov being the "same day as the assassination."
The only issue overlooked is that the late morning approaching noon 22nd Nov .being Fri in Dallas, was the early hours of Sat 23 Nov. here on the East Coast of Australia close to 5am.
His birthday being 22nd Nov here is actually 21 Nov US time.
The question remains though.  Did Oswald act alone?.


I was in 5th grade then. The teacher had left the room and returned which wasn't unusual. She the told us what had happened. She was an older lady and was stunned by the events of the day.