UPDATED: Diode for alternator inline from ignition switch

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, November 03, 2010, 08:47:05 AM

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If Hooley still carried the mail, that would not have happened, and it would have arrived sooner.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Quote from: "WZ JUNK"If Hooley still carried the mail, that would not have happened, and it would have arrived sooner.


At 250 mph!  Could you see him tossing that out of the Studebaker window as he goes by? :lol:
1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST



Quote from: "Crosley"I thought I would add a qucik update....

WZJUNK John offered to send me a diode for my alternator set via  snail mail.

I will wire up a test and see what I got going here

Remember, you use an indicator (conventional lamp or LED) OR the diode, not both.

Wire the diode as below.



Quote from: "PeterR"
Quote from: "Crosley"I thought I would add a qucik update....

WZJUNK John offered to send me a diode for my alternator set via  snail mail.

I will wire up a test and see what I got going here

Remember, you use an indicator (conventional lamp or LED) OR the diode, not both.

Wire the diode as below.


I tested last night...  

LED lights I have will not work with the alternator  and put enough power to the alternator to fire it up at idle.  I must blip the throttle.  IF I put the diode in there as pictured in earlier Peter R diagram of 100 ohm  resister.. the light will go off when the diode is attached (engine OFF)

The diode wired in as John sent instructions ( same as Peter R).. works like a champ.  Alternator fires up when engine is started.  Voltage gauge indicates that.

Incandescent light works with the alternator.  Alternator starts charging at engine start up.

I have not tested the 100 ohm 2 watt resister setup  with the LED light  that Peter R suggested a few posts back.


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


More testing;

I bought some resistors at Radio shack;

100-ohm  1 watt ( no 2 watt)  x 2

100-ohm  100 watt  x 2

4 US dollars spent

tested with same LED lite

1 watt resistor =  red lite stays on, alt does not activate till throttle blip

2 - 1 watt resistors = red lite stays on , alt does not activate til throttle blip

100 watt resistor = red lite stays on , alt does not activate till throttle blip

2 -100 watt resistors =  red lite stays on, alt does not activate till throttle blip.

When double resistors were used , they were side by side , not inline

I noticed the LED lite is slightly dimmer with higher watt rated resisters hooked in,  it took less RPM to activate the alternator.

At this point I view this LED lite setup a bust.

I am trying to find a incandescent light bulb type idiot lite.. that has proved difficult since the stuff I find is LED or does not list the bulb design.

I will wire in the diode John sent me and call it good. I wanted a red idiot lite and the voltage gauge too.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)