OT Homeless Vets on 60 minutes

Started by BFS57, October 18, 2010, 06:35:16 AM

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Sorry for this OT but this problem needs attention!
Last nite on 60 minutes, There was a story about a veteran Clinical Phychologists trying to help homeless veterans. It seems this guy (I didn't remember his name) every year has a "gathering" of homeless vets in San Diego to help them find services, get medical attention, jobs, and some mental help. WE SHOULD BE A SHAMED OF THE WAY IN WHICH OUR VETS THAT PUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE FOR US ARE TREATED!!!!
900 participants showed up for this event, but the announcer said that this problem is much larger encompassing some 9000 vets nationwide! The Veterans administration has a program to help vets "adjust" to civilian life after war, but that program (due to funding and space) is limited. In fact only 65 participants were able to be taken from this gathering of 900 to participate in this program that last up to 2 years.
I don't know about you all but this story is very sad, very,very sad! that our veterans go abroad, take enemy fire, subjected to adverse conditions, serve multiple times, and come back to our homeland and are just "sent to the streets" to fend for themselves after being in warfare is just NOT RIGHT!!  First off, I blame the veterans affairs offices everywhere! SHAME ON YOU!! Next I blame our Federal government!!
What can we do to help our country men and women who serve in the military and are cast aside as trash waiting for a dumpster??? I don't know!
My wife saw a story with of all people Jesse Ventura stating that China took batter care of it's people than we do, and after seeing this, I believe it!
What do any of you think about this?


58 Yeoman

I saw it too.  It's strange that the armed forces will train someone to go to war and fight, but not spend the time training them to get back into civilian life.  I can't imagine what it must feel like to be sent back to the war zone more than once; I would think that once should be enough for anyone.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
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Well, not sure about south of the border, up here about the best way to get the attention needed is to raise  lots of poo, and I mean LOTS. This of course means big numbers of people.
It's very unfortunate that the gay pride, free choice, and any number of other groups get heard, and get their way, but something like this gets swept under the carpet. Totally unjustified.
If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??


I saw that too.  It's a real shame they take such good care of us while they're in the military but we just let them fail as soon as their hitch is up. Things were better in the days of the GI Bill.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Along the same lines..........................

Lindsay Lohan, 24, is all over the news because she's a celebrity drug addict.
Brett Favre is all over the news because he emailed a picture of his pecker

While Justin Allen, 23
Brett Linley, 29
Matthew Weikert, 29
Justus Bartett, 27
Dave Santos, 21
Chase Stanley, 21
Jesse Reed, 26
MatthewJohnson, 21
Zachary Fisher, 24
Brandon King, 23
Christopher ...Goeke, 23
and Sheldon Tate, 27  
...all Marines that gave their lives this week
no media mention.
Honor THEM by passing this along.


Need some celebrities to take up this cause,
they will attract the right kind of attention.

And in the short term, make it an election issue.
Ask your local candidate what they will do about this disgrace.


It is sad but the hand of help was offered. Very few of them will take it.