hey Carnut

Started by Okiedokie, January 23, 2010, 09:42:09 AM

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Hope you are kidding about the 40. How long have you owned that car? Seems like a long time if I remember correctly. Hope the economy isn't the reason if it's true. Joe


Heh, heh, thanks for asking Okie, not sure anyone wants my story but here goes.

Well, now I've owned my 40 Ford for 30yrs now, think I bought it in 1979.
Believe it or not, with proceeds from my Moms life insurance.

And yes I'm in a must sell situation.

Been watching B-J auction and wondering if now is a good time to try and put it on ebay.

Due to my own financial life decisions I really have no choice but to sell the car or declare bankruptcy sometime later thie year.

The car photographs so well, I'm afraid that if I ebay it the buyer will be disappointed when he shows up and sees the car in person, is one of the excuses I'm using at the moment to not put it on ebay.

Course right now since it won't run when I start it doesn't help in selling.

Heh, heh, but I've made Top Rated Pro Seller on ebay, If I do put it on ebay suppposedly I'll get a break on the ebay fees, so I probably try and take advantage of that.

I once tried to ebay my 67 Dodge Charger and didn't get real close to my reserve so never tried again. Think kinda means I value my rides a bit more than other folks do. Heh, heh, my friend Roger and I did some mods to my Charger last year that make the car feel so much better to me that for the first time since I bought it in 67 I actually enjoy driving it, so the decisiion has changed to my 40 for selling.

Heh, heh, I had a local offer of 17.5k on the car and in my mind I came down in price from 25k to 20k and told the guy I wanted 20k. He never came back, so I guess my value is off a bit on my 40.

I'm a computer guy, I've never been a seller, it's a thing I've never really gotten a handle on, Right now selling all these magazines on ebay has actually got me stunned that any are selling.

The magazine selling is just stalling off the time of my financial demise.
The sell of my 40 Ford is the best choice of helping keep me solvent for the rest of my life.


My condolences, shame after this long. Good luck. Joe


Quote from: "Okiedokie"My condolences, shame after this long. Good luck. Joe

There's got to be a way around it but if bancruptcy is your only option, it's got to be rough. They say the one that dies with the most toys wins. They don't think about that person starving to death...


Some people buy and sell cars without a second thought but to the rest of us, it's a hard decision to say goodbye to an old friend that we've shared so many adventures together.  Sometimes life really sucks.