Catch and Release

Started by Leon, July 07, 2004, 11:52:01 PM

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The US Navy today announced that it has released a senior Al Quaeda terrorist after questioning him extensively for 27 days while being held prisoner aboard a US aircraft carrier in the Arabian Sea.

In a humanitarian gesture, the terrorist was given $50 US and a white Ford Fairlane automobile upon being released from custody.

The attached photo shows the terrorist on his way home just after being released by the Navy.


this photo was discussed on one of the Falcon bbs  I visit last year

it sorta looks like an early Falcon going over the edge.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


It is just now going around the Navy base at China Lake.  It seems like a waste of a perfectly good car :lol:


Quote from: "Leon"It is just now going around the Navy base at China Lake.  It seems like a waste of a perfectly good car :lol:

I was on a carrier in the '60's and when we came out of dry dock after repairs they shot a number of cars off of the carrier testing the catapults.  Seems they also had some other sleds they also shot off that they could retreive.

c ya, Sum


I saw a 3/4 ton weapons carrier and a 49 Hudson done this way off the coast of Korea (Chegu Do) in 1963......The weapons carrier went further...

C 'Ya in Bonneville at the 4 Mile marker

Orange, TX
Benny Rhoads
Orange,  Texas


Quote from: "Dusty"
C 'Ya in Bonneville at the 4 Mile marker

Orange, TX

You guys still coming by Blanding?

c ya, Sum


Yep....We'll be in Blanding on Wed or Thur, before the assault on the Salt....Have you heard anything from Ken, Charlie, Don, Denise, or any of the others, that we convoyed with last year?  We are looking forward to another week of Utah festivities...

Benny Rhoads
Orange,  Texas


Quote from: "Dusty"Yep....We'll be in Blanding on Wed or Thur, before the assault on the Salt....Have you heard anything from Ken, Charlie, Don, Denise, or any of the others, that we convoyed with last year?  We are looking forward to another week of Utah festivities...

We'll be joining in at Bonneville on Friday, this year I'm bringing some more shade.  I''m just finishing the new top on it- bright yellow.  See everyone on the salt!

Ohio Blue Tip

Quote from: "Dusty"Yep....We'll be in Blanding on Wed or Thur, before the assault on the Salt....Have you heard anything from Ken, Charlie, Don, Denise, or any of the others, that we convoyed with last year?  We are looking forward to another week of Utah festivities...


Doesn't look like I can make it this year unless I fly out to Salt Lake City (Not enough vacation time) but I sure will miss you guys.  When I retire (2 years or less) I'll be able to go every year, can't wait.  Sounds like a fun year with new cars running and more good old boys maken the trip.  Lots to see in Utah and Sumner's great hospitality.  I'm getting salt withdrawal just talking about it. :cry:
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Ken, How much time do you have? I'm flying into Salt Lake City on Thursday and will be in Wendover with my rental car on Thursday night. Will be coming back to SLC on Monday to catch my flight back east on Tuesday. I'd be somewhat nervous about being responcible for such a prestigous event but what would the barbeque trailer be with-out it's premiere chef? People seem to drive you everywhere maybe I can join that crowd? The only thing is I can't concentrate on my driving with talking going on, you'll have to keep your mouth closed for 120 miles. I had to type this fast before I had time to re-consider. GPster

Ohio Blue Tip

Quote from: "GPster"Ken, How much time do you have? I'm flying into Salt Lake City on Thursday and will be in Wendover with my rental car on Thursday night. Will be coming back to SLC on Monday to catch my flight back east on Tuesday. I'd be somewhat nervous about being responcible for such a prestigous event but what would the barbeque trailer be with-out it's premiere chef? People seem to drive you everywhere maybe I can join that crowd? The only thing is I can't concentrate on my driving with talking going on, you'll have to keep your mouth closed for 120 miles. I had to type this fast before I had time to re-consider. GPster

Most folks that know me well would say it's imposable to keep me silent for 2 miles, but send me a PM with your flight times in and out of Salt Lake and I can check flights and think about getting the time to go.  If I can go and flights are close we can save some money and rent a car together.  I'll bring some duct tape!  What do you think?  I'll see you at the BBQ build on the 17th.
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Most folks that know me well would say it's imposable to keep me silent for 2 miles, but send me a PM with your flight times in and out of Salt Lake and I can check flights and think about getting the time to go.  If I can go and flights are close we can save some money and rent a car together.  I'll bring some duct tape!  What do you think?  I'll see you at the BBQ build on the 17th.[/quote]                           I'm flying out of Columbus on Thursday the 12th at 7:25 AM and arriving in SLC at 11:24. Rental car is at the airport and I have a room in Wendover that night. Coming home I will be leaving Wendover on Monday the 17th and have a room in SLC for that night. My plane leaves SLC on Tuesday at 6:00 AM for the trip home. The rental car is supposed to be returnedMonday before 5:00 PM at the airport. This is the wrong Forum title to be talking about this because it's get's lost due to the title. GPster

Dennis the Menace

I was on a carrier in the '60's [/quote]

What Carrier were you on? I was on the USS Hornet.
Photo Guy:
Dennis  8)


Quote from: "Dennis the Menace"I was on a carrier in the '60's

What Carrier were you on? I was on the USS Hornet.

The Connie.

c ya, Sum

Fat Cat

Quote from: "Ohio Blue Tip"I?ll bring some duct tape!

I don't even want to know what you have planned with the tape. But I think your a sick man.  :wink: