ot... my weekend

Started by Dave, July 03, 2004, 04:42:22 PM

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got the grand kids here. LOL went to the irish hills today to a tourist trap called stage coach stop. Lot of western stuff for the kids to see and thank god they got a saloon! Id never have made it without beers. LOL
Tomorrow is the local parade if the weather holds. Monday is take the kids back home day .. Cool........... We can give em back.
I love em to death though. Ive kinda got the oldest sold on motor cycles as he got his first ride yesterday and well we had to do the second today...
I think i tuckered em out and im escaping to a winged pavement sprint car race in about 2 hours... Grandma is in charge... :lol:

ps: this is the first time we did the grand parents thing with both kids and its going well....


So far my weekend consisted of my Wife driving about 100 miles to a Chris Cagle concert with her sisters. They spent the night in a Cabin down there, so I was free to go out with one of my old High School buddys last night.

Lets just say I am not feeling well at the moment... :wink:


Friday evening,we went to se Van Halen at the Gund,with the wifes niece and nephew. One KICK * show. Sammy was rockin' the house down. Eddie played a 15 minute guitar solo that was incredible. His brother Alex,did a drum solo that was nothing short of stupendous. He deserves the title of "God of Thunder"...........
Sunday morning we took the Golden Retriever,Sophie,to the lake for what is probably going to be her last swim. That sucks..... Came back,got the Jet Skis,went BACK down to Pleasant Hill for a lap or two,just to be sure everything is ready. This evening we are going to Massilon to spend the evening with Willy's family. Monday we are going to Lake Erie with the Jet Ski's and plan on a trip to Put-In-Bay. Next week we recover..........
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


Dave...If you really are looking for adventure,try taking them both to an out-of-town car event by yourself for a 3-day weekend :shock:  We had a blast in Des Moines but should have thought ahead and planned a couple of more days off to recuperate!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"