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Messages - Broncobilly

Rodder's Roundtable / 1930-34 Model A pickup cab bodies?
December 15, 2005, 01:34:35 AM
Thanks for the contact info for American Stamping!

Broncobilly :D
Rodder's Roundtable / Model A cab fabrication
December 13, 2005, 11:11:39 PM
Anyone know is American Stamping has a web site?  I hear they make pretty good frame rails.

Rodder's Roundtable / 30's Model A pickup body & frame
December 13, 2005, 11:09:30 PM
Thanks all for the input!  I tried the Gibbon's link, looks like the domain is up for sale.  Can get any of the links for their bodies to work either, so it looks like they went out of business?
I think I am going to keep a look out for an original A cab, which is in repairable condition.  I probably will pick up a completed A frame, as by the time materials are obtained (with the current cost of steel), you will probably be fairly close to what an assembled frame will cost.

Rodder's Roundtable / 1930-34 Model A pickup cab bodies?
December 05, 2005, 12:41:34 PM
Anyone know of any vendors offering either steel or glass, 1930-34 Ford Model A or B pickup cab bodies?  Also, any good recommendations for model A frame kits?  Preferably weld your-self types.  
Broncobilly :D