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Messages - barnsey

Rodder's Roundtable / What are you doing today?
September 04, 2011, 12:13:09 AM
Quote from: "Crosley"
Quote from: "enjenjo"
QuoteStill a few more bars to add to the roll cage and bars to the front area near engine (when it gets an engine) . Roll cage is all mild steel, 1-5/8 x .134 tube.. smaller tube is 1-1/4 x .134. All is MIG welded

What's it getting for power? another six?

331 cid small block chevy
one of these little damliers would be nice,
or how about a Top Fuel version.

I want one for my Vauxhall :D  :lol:  :lol:
Rodder's Roundtable / What are you doing today?
September 03, 2011, 10:01:52 PM
I am at work sanding and polishing timber floors  :(
I should be home in my shed working on my Vauxhall on this beautiful sunny Sunday.
Rodder's Roundtable / The end
July 13, 2010, 06:15:27 AM
I still drop in and check to see whats going on, and somenights spend hours just reading old threds, I have found a few older threds that i would of loved to reply to. but wasn't sure how it would go down if i bumpt an old thred from say two years ago back to the top, there are lots of great people on this site, and i enjoy reading 99.9% of the threds that are on here.
Glad to here the site will be here for a bit longer, I will try to visit and post on the site a bit more regular than i have in the past.
this site has a wealth of knowledge for me, hope it sticks around for a long while yet.
cheers barnsey
Rodder's Roundtable / Happy Holidays
December 24, 2009, 07:38:06 AM
Merry xmas guys, hope you all have a great day, please stay safe on the roads,
hope you all have a great new years as well
thanks for having me on this forum, I might not post much, but i enjoy learking and reading all the many great post on here.
cheers barnsey.
great to hear they are having a good time, and it sounds like they are being looked after by some great online freinds,
the world is a small place these days, I would be over there myself if i wasn't afraid of flying  :oops:
Did you find me any goodies at summit  :)   :D
Have a great trip, and say g, day  to everyone for me.  :)  
cheers barnsey
How's the beer Andrew, looks like you are getting the taste for it pretty quick. :D  :lol:
Had a great weekend  :D  :D
A few guys from made the pilgramage from all over the state 5  6 and 7 hour drives each between them to deliver my new blown 202 (inline 6) there was plenty of ales drank and lots of work done.
they instaled my new engine sorted out my steering and completed lots of other little jobs, including running LPG gas lines as this engine has been built to run straight lpg.
After installing the new engine, it was fired up on normal gas (petrolium) :)  then let run at 2000 RPM for about an hour.
Then the 350 holly was removed and the lpg hooked up.
the engine fired straight up an ran really smoothley.
the new engine has between 300 and 340 hp. I still have a few jobs to do before putting it back on the road,. but it should only be a few weeks before i am out cruising again.
here is the car the engine has just been installed in.

And here is a video of the engine fireing up on lpg, I can tell you all that i am one happy man. :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

thanks to all those guys who made the trip to help me get my car back on the road.
cheers barnsey
Rodder's Roundtable / New here (Another Australian)
January 07, 2009, 10:01:31 AM
Welcome caleb, thought you would have been here years ago,
Tooheys  :shock:  wouldn't drink that stuff if yah paid me, Iv had a taste for carlton cold latley, and yah don't wake up with a headach either like that tooheys stuff gives yah. 8)
you can post them wherever you like  :D
iv got them on a few forums now  :lol:
This is the car i got the supercharger from,

He has now fitted a bigger one to his buick roadster pickup,

and this is his new blower fitted. Its sitting on a 265 hemi with alloy head twin gas (lpg) carbs and heaps of other mods.

It will be going in the red vauxhall in the above pic, the engine sits low and i have a 1 foot gap between the top of the rocker cover and the bonnet (hood)
I am going to have two lengths of polished alloy tube comming off the two lpg carbs pointing forwards with two K&N Air filters attatched and protruding half out and half under the hood.
I will make a video when its all installed and sorted,
once sorted i will be visiting the chrome platers to have all the brackets and other accessories chromed or polished, and i will be fitting braided hoses and lines as i can afford them.

cheers barnsey
Just have to put the car back togeather now so i can put the motor in it lol
here are a couple of pics of my 202 holden motor, just finished, it will run straight LPG GAS and should pump out around 300+hp it is going in my red 1948 VAUXHALL the car weighs around 1100kg so it should be really fun to drive
cheers barnsey.

Rodder's Roundtable / Im moving on, sold my project
December 12, 2008, 07:56:45 PM
This is where i got my supercharger from. a mate of mine was running it on his 265 hemi and decided to put a bigger one on it.

He is now using this one on his.

you can see the difference in the pic below.

cheers barnsey
Rodder's Roundtable / Im moving on, sold my project
December 12, 2008, 07:24:50 PM
My trip never really got off the ground, I ended up as far as 500 miles from home and ended up setting up my buissnes here, The idea is still strong in my head, but  need  to get a couple of things sorted first.

here is a pic of my new motor, with blower in mock up stage while my mate finds out where everything will fit. he has to mount the blower over the drivers side, yep RH drive here, as the front of car tapers in at the front towards the grill shell , and there was not going to be enougth room to fit it to the passenger side.
cheers barnsey

there will be a Jap conrod mounted to the snout that will be set up as a tensioner.
I will add some more pics when the blower is set up
cheers barnsey
Rodder's Roundtable / Top chop Update
December 11, 2008, 09:42:03 PM
Exelent job, all the proportions look just right as well, thats going to look very kool with a lick of paint on it.
cheers barnsey