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Messages - fairlane2k

Hey Folks,
I just wanted to show ya,
The OHV V8-60 that I imported from Brazil is now a running engine! I adapted our shops Diesel "hot-run" stand to the engine,then I had the distributor re-built,some new plugs,wires,cap&rotor and used a 500cfm Holley 2bbl (from a friends Bronco)
Fires right up on the 1st try,every time.....and sounds great too
Here is a link to a video of the engine running

Rodder's Roundtable / Brazilain Hemi Video
May 28, 2005, 12:12:33 PM
I "SIM-TESTED" the Emi-Sul on thursday nite after work.
The engine turns over real nice. I did a bearing check earlier in the week,every thing looked to be in good shape...especially for a 35yrs old engine!!
compression test showed all cylinders 120# compression (two cylinders actually had 130#) my test may be invalid though...I stupidly forgot to remover the engine lift plate from the intake manifold,thus choking the engine. I believe if I were to remove the plate and re-test the engine the results would be better. Oil flow was nice...all the valvetrain oiled well and functioned prpoerly.
The link is to some video of the test

Rodder's Roundtable / Check this out..OHV V8/60
May 15, 2005, 05:06:36 PM
Quote from: "Crosley"it's just ol chunk of rust and dirt . you should send it to me for the cost of freight.

HAMB..... is that a place or person?

:arrow:   :wink:  :wink:

Your killin me....
the freight was the cheapest part of this adventure....
it was all the red tape,documentation,fees,and bribes that was the killer.
Brazil and India are the 2 most taxed countys in the world on import/exports....I was told this AFTER I shipped my stuff or I'd just bought a donkey and a cart and rode that stuff here my * self!

Rodder's Roundtable / Check this out..OHV V8/60
May 15, 2005, 12:59:08 AM

I have been kinda lurking here for a bit, just never registered or posted before... you can learn alot by reading some of these forum threads.

To say I have NO "commercial agenda"  would be wrong. I definatly do have that.  BUT in my defense I am a die-hard car guy.(and a cylinder head machinist to boot)  I found these  fantastic OHV engines in my wifes country of Brazil, where they will most likely end up recycled into VW's and Fiat's(something I cant stand to think about) anyway i bought some parts and an engine, to see if there was a market for them here.....I sure thought it was the coolest little motor ever!

I have lots of spec's and factory manuals etc...
but thats enuf of that....if someone is interested they can contact me.

Rodder's Roundtable / Check this out..OHV V8/60
May 14, 2005, 10:30:22 PM
Quote from: "Bib_Overalls"Hey newbie, we got rules here.  Ya can't try to sell us anything until you have 100 question, answer, info, and general BS posts. :lol:

OOPS! my bad..... I did quicly cruise the site lookin for forum rules...didnt see anything tho....
BTW my grandmother lives in cherry valley! pretty close to jonesboro right??? I been there once about 15yrs ago.
my grandpa's family has been in that area for years and years and years

enjenjo:  no  cheating!!!  LOL
Rodder's Roundtable / Check this out..OHV V8/60
May 14, 2005, 09:07:24 PM
HI guys,

I just wanted to show off the toy my wife sent to me from Brazil

I will be offering some of this stuff up for sale soon...

anyone know what it is???

...........I'll check back later to see if yall guessed or not