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Messages - Rudiments

Great pics Sean, would you be able to email me what you have from the day, would love to see them all, I will pm you my email address.

The day was a sea of faces for us, so many people it was a bit overwhelming.

Rodder's Roundtable / The Passing of an Aussie Icon.
April 18, 2005, 10:02:03 AM
Thanks to all for the kind words and wishes.

I could not have ever wished for a better father in-law or mate. He was simply the best and we will miss him terribly.

Helen is staying with us at present and appreciates all the well wishes, calls, thoughts and prayers.

The funeral service will be held at the Salvtion Army Citadel in Cranbourne at 10.30am this coming Thursday 21/04.

We will then proceed to the Necropolis in Springvale for the burial and the wake will be at the Village Green Hotel.
