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Messages - Grease Can

Global warming?

Won't that lower a frozen tundra?
Alright doggone it!  The car photographs better than it looks... the rockers are lace... and there are bubbles in the bottom corners of the back doors, and its starting to bubble a bit under the taillights.  The Maaco type paint is about a 1/2 inch thick, and there's no telling what is under it.  Its rough for out West here, but in great shape for a Southern car.

I drive that car at 60-65 on the interstates, and that's without using the OD which is not working right and is one of the many things that needs fixing.

BUT, with all its faults, it IS an AWARD WINNING CAR!  I got a trophy for the "Longest Drive" at the Heavy Rebel Weekender 3 years ago... I drove it from Birmingham to Chattanooga to the Blue Ridge Parkway up thru the mountains all the way to Boone, North Carolina then over to Winston-Salem, then back thru Atlanta and back to Birmingham...  the only incident being my muffler falling off along the way...

Me and my friend Heather had the best time ever.  The car never runs hot, I've actually had other flattie owners marvel at how cool she runs... which is why I've decided to leave it stock... it runs too dang good to muck with it... I'll find another to build for my 31 coupe...
Rodder's Roundtable / RRT 2005 California tour
April 14, 2005, 11:14:29 AM
Carl says I can't take my flattie across the desert in June... so I guess I'll be in the Ranger... dammit.
Rodder's Roundtable / the definition of spam
April 12, 2005, 03:45:50 PM
I wish I had a boyfriend to fight my battles for me... :roll:
Quote from: "kroozn"
Quote from: "Grease Can"It's me, Gracie...  I was Gracie on here years ago but couldn't make Gracie work so I am now going by what the mean boys used to call me in high school.   Do I have to give you a list of my FORD vehicles... the 49, 31, 68, 01, and the 56 Vespa?  I sold the 54 Lincoln.  

Grease Can?
I hope Frank can fix it so you can use " Gracie ".

Maybe this isn't the real Gracie!
"Timid" ? Yeah, right!

As soon as there is room in the shop we will get your rust bucket '49 in here and like Carps says ... I will supervise your work!

I think you should paint it pink.... that's a good girly color  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Pink?  NO WAY... I'm not turning my shoebox into a tampon box!
Rodder's Roundtable / RRT 2005 California tour
April 11, 2005, 05:31:35 PM
Count me in... me and a rusty old 49 Ford.
Quote from: "enjenjo"Hi Gracie. Sorry we couldn't get together when I was in Vegas this last time, see you in June.

No prob... I guess I'm here permanently so I'll be here next time you mosey thru.

I've got my 49 here now... just waiting for Carl to find me a corner somewhere in the shop so I can start working on it... its kind of embarassing driving a rusty car in the desert... I mean EVERYONE has rust in the South... but not so out here.  :oops:
It's me, Gracie...  I was Gracie on here years ago but couldn't make Gracie work so I am now going by what the mean boys used to call me in high school.   Do I have to give you a list of my FORD vehicles... the 49, 31, 68, 01, and the 56 Vespa?  I sold the 54 Lincoln.  

There ya have it.


Please be gentle.
Rodder's Roundtable / RRT 2005 California tour
April 09, 2005, 08:58:00 PM
I wanna go...

It's me, Gracie... its been so long I couldn't remember how to get on here with my name name... so I had to re-sign up...