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Messages - 8-Ball

Rodder's Roundtable / Will it ever stop???
April 24, 2005, 09:27:24 PM
The only thing is, is that in a couple months you will be able to fry eggs on your bro-inlaws forhead and we will be basking in 70 or 80 deg weather.   Just pulling your chain, i guess it evens out in the end.   Take Care   8-Ball
Rodder's Roundtable / Any ideas how to fix this?
April 24, 2005, 02:41:37 PM
Well if you are building a DRIVER and not a All out show peice,this is what i would do, and have done.   Grind area down to shiney metal,take duct tape and put on under side of holes, get some fiberglass, comes in kit, lay it out on top surface and aply resin. Or you could even use just resin without fiberglass clothe. After it sets up remove duct tape. Keep the vent,it will come in handy this summer.Just a little advice from a fellow Michigander ( bay City)       8-Bal