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Messages - chopper

Rodder's Roundtable / Your Opinions Please!!
May 25, 2005, 09:28:04 AM
Yeah... I'd vote for black also, I never went for that monochrome style.
Rodder's Roundtable / &^%%&^**(&$## ....O for 3
May 01, 2005, 06:57:51 AM
Hey man... that's tough luck.
At least if I'm right you haven't much to worry about. Sounds like a pushrod.
Rodder's Roundtable / The Passing of an Aussie Icon.
April 16, 2005, 07:07:53 PM
It was a shock to hear that Shawwry had passed on. As Carps stated, Shawwry had never had a bad word for anyone, and for sure whenever his name came up in a conversation it was always in friendship and respect. He is an Aussie rodding icon, a great friend to those that knew him, and lived his life to the full. He will be missed.
Our condolences to Helen, Anthony, and Nicole.
So long Ian, and God bless.
Rodder's Roundtable / Chop question
April 02, 2005, 06:29:00 PM
Enjenjo's got that right in one! Work out how much longer the roof needs to be to allign at the back as well as at the screen pillars and make a template (out of butchers paper?) to mark the roof approx. halfway towards the back for the cut, and then use the same template cut shorter by the lenth that the roof needs to be stretched to mark that second roof. Make your cuts ( staggering them to spread the weld area on the roof if you feel comfortable enough to go that way) and then make cuts on the screen pillars top & bottom so you can allign them (as you already know the top section of the pillars are now a bit closer together than the lower ones) and making some strategic cuts, or complete new panels also allign the panels at the rear of the roof. Or maybe you can just pack that sucker and send it down thisaway for some aussie style of choppin' :wink:
Rodder's Roundtable / HRI is GONE!
February 27, 2005, 06:12:04 AM
The switch was turned off for HRI's forum just after 8 pm, leaving many people more than a little sad, I'm sure.
Hey Mick... why dontcha bring your rod down to the Hot Rod Rumble, and maybe, just maybe, we could organize a flattie showdown. What say Corrie?
Rodder's Roundtable / A sad day for the ASRF
February 24, 2005, 07:15:50 AM
G'day guys, geez... it's been quite a few years since I last logged on here, glad to see you're still going on strong. Now... if only Carps was on here it would be just like the good 'ole days.
And those that know me would know how I feel about what's happenin' at our home fort, but we best be civil I guess.