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Messages - 70_FathomBlueMalibu

Rodder's Roundtable / 700R-4 for the first-timer?
December 03, 2004, 09:01:11 AM
Sorry that I haven't gotten back sooner to this topic.  I've had computer problems for a day or 2 and just now got it lined out.

Thanks for the responses so far.  I've decided to go ahead with the rebuild and look forward to adding to my gearhead independence.  I love to learn and hope this is a worthwhile (and positive) experience.

I just hope Crosley and others are willing to lend a hand when I come up with a plethora of questions.

For starters:

When this tranny was originally rebuilt, the builder convinced me to go the non-lockup route.  He installed a Transgo valve (?) that allowed it to work with a non-lockup converter.  If the current converter is trashed anyway, is it possible to make this tranny lock-up again with the proper converter?  I'd like the extra mileage and performance gains.

On the standard performance build, would it be better to use 9 "thin" clutches or 8 full-sized ones in the 3-4?

Is a Kevlar band necessary or worthwhile in my application?  If so, would it best to have a brand new drum?

What other parts are a "must upgrade" for a moderately serious performance and daily driver application?  I'd like a firm and positive shift feel.

Thanks for any and all comments.  :)
Rodder's Roundtable / 700R-4 for the first-timer?
November 29, 2004, 07:19:28 AM
I've done so much research on this, that's it's starting to make my head spin.

Bottom line is....I have/had a 700R-4 in my 1970 Chevelle.  I got 2-3 years and about 2000 miles (tops) out of the 700R-4 before something broke and fragged the tranny.  The fluid is burnt and dark, plus it's making a LOUD chattering and squalling sound.  I found no chunks of anything in the pan, but guesses range from converter to flywheel to pump to.....etc.

Anyway, I had used THE best local tranny guy for this build.  He had done lots of race stuff, answered all my questions and said he kept up with all the updates.  If the converter went bad...not his fault.  If I had set it up wrong....not his fault (tho I think I did fine :) ).  If he failed to inspect a hard part and it went south...well, get the idea.

So, I'm really entertaining the idea of doing it myself.  It's gotten to the point that I can't seem to trust many people to do stuff for me locally, so I try to as much for myself as possible.  I LOVE to learn, so it's a bonus.

I've NEVER rebuilt a tranny.  I've been quoted $250 labor from another local, reputable 700R-4 tranny guy.  That's for me to supply ALL the parts and bring it to him for a bench rebuild.  However, I'm still not sure if I trust this approach.

Anyway, my brother is a mechanic (brakes, suspension, exhaust, AC, etc.).  He's done one 700R-4 tranny and says that it's not that big of a deal when you have the proper tools (clutch spring compressor, lip seal tool, etc.) and a tech manual.  His 1 tranny was pressure tested and installed and did fine in a pedestrian truck.  He really wants to give me a hand to rebuild my own high-performance tranny.  I'm game.

BUT, am I crazy?  I'll be buying a 700R-4/dedicated video and studying it before pulling the trigger on the whole deal, but I'd like some input from you guys.  I'll have to buy the tools, video and at least 2 manuals.  My brother has a nice, clean garage with plenty of space.  So, it seems like I've got that squared away.

HOWEVER, I need my '70 Chevelle daily driveable and RELIABLE by the end of this coming February.  It will have to make a 600+ mile trip to Houston, TX where I'll begin driving it EVERY day to the School of Automotive Machinists and on to work.  

Short story long :), should I just say forget it, buy the good parts and give someone $250 and my trust to do it right?  Or take a chance with my brother (save that $250 for even better hard parts) and trust our mechanical skills and aptitude to get this done?

BTW, the intended usage is daily driving with a sparse amount of strip time.  Houston has too many local tracks for me to stay away.  The car is 3540lbs. w/driver and a full tank of gas.  It should be good for mid-to-high 12's in the 1/4.  No dyno time, but it should have 435hp/400+ ft.lbs. of tq.

My brother and I agree that trannies are the part of the rodding world that people tend to feel are "black arts" or "voodoo".  The average guy just won't touch 'em.  Should I be scared as well?  I'm sure I'll know more after watching the video.

Thanks for ANY and ALL constructive criticism, advice and comments.  Feel free to be borderline brutal if you must.  :wink: