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Messages - Bob W

Since my last post, I've been all over the place, and the hole is apparently a vent hole, and some say nothing goes there, and some say some sort of tube goes there.  Worst thing is that if I am actually pushing fluid through the vent hole, something is likely wrong with the inards.  I was told that it could be o-ring on filter, or modulator, or rings???  But that was from a tranny shop who appeared to be interested in my business.  So, in any case, barring rain tomorrow morning, the roadster is going on an outing to Orange County to do Tom's Fun Run.  And if I push all the fluid out of the tranny and it pukes, then just as well because it will just hasten the conversion to a 2004R.

Now to attempt attaching the infamous photo.....

....and viola....
Not having much luck trying to post a .jpg file that is only 16.8Kb and 550x374, but I am going to try again.  Maybe the fact that it is a new post and not a reply makes a difference.  (Frank- if you feel like you are banging your head against the wall. how do you think we feel.  Sometimes "user friendly" means that once you learn how to use it, then it becomes friendly.)
Now getting error message:
"Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to ./files/350.jpg."
What the hey?
Rodder's Roundtable / Picture?
April 17, 2004, 01:09:08 PM
so I guess I'm having trouble attaching the picture.  gotta go get the dogs rabies shots, so I'll deal with this later.
Rodder's Roundtable / A picture!
April 17, 2004, 12:59:52 PM
a picture is worth a thousand words.....just remembered I had this.  The hole is the thing you see in the picture above the shifter shaft.  Can't really tell by this picture if there is something more than just the hole and the boss.
The hole in the top part of the tranny case that I am talking about, actually comes out horizontal. ( in the same orientation as the shifter shaft.  It is on the top left side of the case, on the "body" part of the case, not on the "bell housing."  Is there a website that shows 350TH diagrams and/or parts lists?
Rodder's Roundtable / 350 TH vent hole leak?
April 17, 2004, 05:01:07 AM
I replaced the shifter shaft seal and I am still getting a leak on that side.  I cleaned everything off, and started looking around with a flashlight and a mirror.  I came across a hole near the top of the transmission case, about 5-8 inches above and slightly forward of the shifter shaft.  It is a vertical hole about 1/4" in diameter and about 1/2" to 3/4" deep which intersects with a horizontal boss which appears to be the same diameter.  The hole is flush with the transmission case, and it is very clean as though it once had something in it, or is clean because fluid has been coming out of it.  
Two questions?
Is there supposed to be something attached/inserted in the hole?
If nothing is supposed to be in the hole, what would all of a sudden cause the transmission to start spitting fluid out from there when it worked fine and wasn't leaking before?
I checked the dipstick (static) and there is still plenty of fluid so it is not as though it is pumping itself dry through this hole, but when I pulled in after a test drive of about 5 miles, there was enough fluid on the shifter side of the tranny to drip onto the garage floor and leave about a 3-4" puddle.
Any ideas?
Rodder's Roundtable / Speaking of Trannys
April 13, 2004, 02:08:08 AM
Hey Tony:
Quick question I know you will have the answer to:  On a 350 TH, can I change the shifter shaft seal from the outside?  Do I need a special tool?  I am getting a tranny fluid leak, and all indications are that it is coming from the shifter shaft, because that is where everything is the most wet.  Though, only after it has been driven.  I took the shift lever off, and it doesn't leak when it is just sitting.  But there is the slightest telltale seeping around the shaft when I look real close.
Thanks, Bob W (I know, long time no post.  I've just been real busy, and I only have dial up, so it takes so much time to log on etc.)