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Messages - berkelusa

It works GREAT, But only for an hour or two and you blow a hose or valve from wear...

A friend in Illinois named Denny has used this NEW design (below)
in the past and said "it cant be beat"

So here is the drawing we made together online to share with the R.R.T.


Thanks to all my Chevy FOLLOWERS also..

To see what these are you would have to read 270 pages of the build diary...

Rodder's Roundtable / Pressure blasters..
July 19, 2004, 12:50:12 AM
Hey gang, Decided to make a new version of my old blaster to use in the cabinet I have that was a gravity feed POS..

Here is the link with all the pictures..

Its about 3 pages long, But details everything that happened so far..

I found out that pressurizing the sand only to say 5-psi helps with the clogging factor when your using a smaller nozzle, Also fabbed a way to use a foot-pedal as mine was made for a cabinet, It easily removes from the cabinet and to the great-outdoors of the back yard too...

This is the new design on paper..

and here it is almost completed... (Tomorrow is the TEST RUN)

I wanted to note that the hose is from a JUNK pressure washer and only has a 1/4" ID end to end, The ceramic tip is the original plugged with an alan screw in the side and a ball-valve added before it.. EASY !

Yeah It's an old compressor tank, Just didnt have the heart to throw it away.., Good thing huh??, Weld in a few bung's and GO...

Nothing was wasted, The original cast iron compressor head, plate and motor went on a JUNK Craftsman "dry running" 60-gallon unit that was TOAST due to burnt sleeves and pistons (NON oil head and the fan to cool it blows dirt on the sleeves? WHAT A BAD DESIGN THAT WAS)

Oh.. and how did yours come out since this post???

Rodder's Roundtable / Propane Blasters
July 01, 2004, 09:12:36 PM
Canuck can you post a closer picture of that filter thing you spoke of?, Cant really see it in the one here.., But looks good

Rob with the 100-lb propane blaster in NH
Quote from: "zzebby"Very impressive.  You've mixed a  creative, almost artsy effect with good old hot rod ingenuity.
How about one of those late model hi po Chevy sixes for go power?
About 260 hp stock???
Let's see more.

Thank You very much zzebby

Sorry but my SB6 (that's Stove Bolt Six) was siezed junk, and being 36-yo I wanted a little more GO-GO then 6 corn-poppers

But nothing DBPSC "dragster-billet-prostreet-crazy"

So a V8 was the plan built to look Old Skool as much as possible..

Let me explain the engine details etc and why I like FREE...
(dont we all?)

No job last 2 years from major car accident leaving me with shattered lower left leg..., Mostly carried into a wheelchair in the garage all winter working on small parts.. then carried back in at the end of the day...

Neighbor cutting up 86' Monte Carlo T-topper with running 305, Runs good but of course soft cam out back caused failure, meaning its FREE
Same car had 10-Bolt POSI rearend, Also FREE

Friend on my Chevy list sends me a tri-power intake msnifold
(holds 2-bbl Rochesters big and small bore) FREE

TH-350 Short tail from same neighbor FREE. (wont shift)I get to rebuild it...
A day or so later.. 2 others arrive from a friend FREE as parts..

Basically there is a few words you see on the 280 page website all the time..



Who Hoooo!, Just got a nice parts cleaner off the side of the road..

It had a cardboard sign on it with my favorite WORD..


Rodder's Roundtable / Thanks!
June 25, 2004, 11:05:01 PM

Dont worry I take any an all information seriuosly..

Got enough losers out there that dont know one from the other and "GUESS" only to get killed..

I am going to sound like a spoilsport here after all your effort.

Not at all.. After 4 years If you think this is a bad post you havent read ANYTHING ! hahaha

Let me break-down your post a little...

"The radius arms are exposed to the largest bending moment where they connect to the axle, but have been constructed with their lowest bending moment capacity at that point."

So a suspended bridge at the ends is weak?, I have had 2 engineers look at the design and give me more ways to add to the strength.. But the best part they loved was the suspended bridge design..., One did say that "the square in the bowtie should remain to stop side-loads and any twist and they should have something reaching to the top of the triangle down to the perch-pads" (and it will soon)

"This is further aggravated by the method of attaching the plate to the bottom chord of the arm. It is inevitable over time cracks will develop in the fillet weld due to flexing of the plate and the short load path."

Not done yet.. those were what I had at the time, The plan is for even more supports later on before it's on the road, You really gotta read the whole 290 pages to see how it's changed over 4 years..., Good point!, Just not finished yet...

"Although it would detract from the appearance, a significant structural improvement would be to fit an L shape bracket each side of the arm, with the bottom leg of the L going out to the edge of the plate, and a triangular shaped vertical leg flat against the side of the arm and welded along the top corner of the upper tube."

That's part of the addition that will be made later on.. the plates will connect to the top of the bridge to stop any twist of the arms..., and a good thing you seen that was needed... So did the engineers

There is another wrinkle with the position of the airsprings. Roll stiffness is a function of the square of the spacing of the springs.   Half the spacing means a quarter of the roll stiffness.

Further, leaf springs twist during roll and this adds about 50% to their nominal roll stiffness.   This means that if the air springs have been selected to provide a similar vertical stiffness to the leaf springs they replace, then the front-end roll stiffness will be about one sixth of the standard configuration.

There is quite a high likelihood a roll bar will be required to prevent excessive body roll and oversteer.

I think you mean sway bars, They are almost DONE.. Still making them from using the OEM shock castings and another pair of the OEM sway bar perches... (actually that picture is old btw)

Also the highly non-linear load/deflection curve of the concertina shaped airsprings make them more suitable for IFS set ups where there is a motion ratio around 2:1.   The ride on a beam axle may not be a good as you hope.

So your saying they are too close together and will affect the lean of the car in a corner and the LEAN of the body will be fairly easy with all the weight when you really dont want it to lean out... correct?

Directly OVER the beam they are fine, They were once mounted behind it on plates, But that twist UP of the nose of the beam would put more stress directly ON the raduis rods/bowtie bars, The need for a sway bar at the OEM mounting points cures quite a few of the problems, the ladders dont exactly GIVE like a raduis rod would...

Get the PDF from Firestone on the airbags I have, There was another on all the designs you can do with them as used in industry on a daily basis.. and dont go to and look at the green jeep because they used it on the END of a semi-ellyptical pair of leaf springs as LIFT for a rock-crawling vehicle..., I have studied hundreds of designs and it all comes down to a few things...

Is it strong?, Does it do what it's supposed to?

Will nothing JAMB or BIND?
Is the ARC correct?
Can it reach FULL arc?

Does it look like it will work? then it probably will...

Its all GOOD... and if something doesnt WORK.. it can be MODIFIED into something that does...

You spoilsport hahaha

Rodder's Roundtable / Multiple replies: :^)
June 25, 2004, 10:40:37 AM

Yep, Just dial 1-800-Junk-Yards and GO!

"If you know of any 4 door sedans in about the same shape as yours when you started up there in New Hapsha let me know. All I need is the body shell, rear doors and frame. I have a plan!"

Rob: I'll hafta email the list of 30's Chevy Guys...
But I bet there is at least one close to you! (site link, one of 4 sites I run also)

Phat: Rob Your gettin pretty * good with that welder...LOL I bet your leg is liking this warmer new england weather. (bettter than this * winter) Nice work Have missed your site in the last month seems like your really rollin along.

Thanks Phat, Doing pretty good until yesterday when I tossed a small air-tank and my finger stayed in the threaded hole and peeled back some SKIN!, Not bad but hurts like HELL...

sedanman: You are an artist, thanks for the pics.

Thanks sedanman, Glad to see you liked the pictures.. If you wanna see about 5,000 more from day ONE go to this addy...

or members site..

or my members page..

Glad this site has a link adding feature in the html..

Quote from: "58 Yeoman"My problem is just the opposite.  I set my homepage to about:blank, and MSN keeps hijacking it.  I had a program set to keep it from doing that, but it didn't work, so I got rid of it. I guess they don't realize that they just pi$$ everyone off when they screw with your puter. :evil:

MSN dont give 2 squats about what your homepage is on, Your visiting sites that have worms that change it on you.., The only time MSN is set to your homepage is when you re-install IE..

Another thing people often confuse is a poor connection with a page hijacker, (my sister in law is a moron), She was getting a blank page..  and kept saying MSN stole her website?!?!? too funny.., It's more like she was on AOL and too slow so IE would time out and go to the BLANK page hahahaa

Oh the PestPatrol thing also has the "scan your computer now for FREE"

On the top right corner of this page click the FREE SCAN thing..

NO I dont work for them.. Just passing on what really WORKS in the last oh 40 bug-fixes I have ever used in the 15 years...

Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Sandblaster Review
June 24, 2004, 12:29:15 AM
We are currently making FOUR more from FREE Tanks...

This picture shows the one we have used the last 5 years+

Note the floor-jack wheels and side plates also used from the jack...

T-handle is just a scrap bar welded to the cap to fill and seal the bugger tightly...

The new ones will be made a little DIFFERENT to add more area for more media and more volume, Dont get me wrong, The current one SCREAMS...

Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Sandblaster Review
June 24, 2004, 12:22:21 AM
This is how we are doing ours..

Any local metal scrapyard will GIVE YOU a 100-lb propane tank for FREE as they dont want them in the yard (run that over and BOOOM)

Of course after it's EMPTY cut the top off that has the open end, Flip it over and weld it back on, Design it so the top opens and you can fill the bugger with baking soda or nutshells, I'm with the other guys on no silica, My cabinet has silica, But it's sealed and I added a bigger vacuum vented to the great outdoors..

YES nutshells and YES baking soda even works great with high pressure and no damage to any metal.. even sheet-metal

A few valves and adapters at Home Depot and a ceramic nozzle elsewhere, some ball-valves and you will have a MONSTER of a blaster that holds more media then MSN and more air-pressure then anyone could ever need due to the extra space...

Have a nice compressor about 60-feet away you can plug the bugger into and Viola!

PS: Release the air after every use from the tank from the top, If you kids get ahold of the lever for the nozzle with bare hands it can take a finger to BONE in no-time

This involves 4 ball-valves

one for the nozzle at the end of the blaster hose
one at the bottom for sand flow adjustment
one where the air comes into the tank from your compressor
and one to release air without it being in the media at the top

A good choice as wheels for your tank are the ones on that broken floor jack in the corner as they are solid steel and have bushings not bearings..

OK let me find the pictures... Geeze

This setup doesnt show a ball-valve used as a pressure-release for the tank.., Un-hooking the hose however does the trick as there is no check-valve inside..., as long as you can handle the loud HISS for the next 10 minutes your all set...

Rodder's Roundtable / Pest Patrol
June 23, 2004, 11:37:37 PM
"Something has hijacked my internet browser (IE6.0) and changed my home page. Spybot Search & Destroy can't find anything, but something is changing my home page to "about:blank" each time the browser starts. No amount of resetting the home page or restarting the PC prevents it."

Get Pest Patrol

My kids go to these stupid game-cheat sites and when I return same thing, That's a homepage-hijacker changing your address.., I wish MSN would do something about those BUGS, It's not a virus, more of a worm (like we dont have enough problems already)

Been into puters for YEARS and thats the best one I have found..

Message me after you get the BASIC one on how it went

Here is the 35' Chevy Truck grill also wire-framed at the bottom as it was ROTTED TO DEATH...

Way before still mounted on the DONOR:

What remained that was save-able now on the 31' Tub

During: Wire forming the NOTHING...
40's badge at the bottom and 70s Nova LOGO across the top..

After: SKINNED with a lower pan added (drip slot across the back too)
now ready for fine-detailing and an insert (center wires are removable)
Total COST? $0.00

Sorry for all the pictures...

At least its not a stickered Honda!

Wire-forming a rear apron from NOTHING...

First wire...

a few more...

a few more...

Wires DONE, Time to SKIN...

Other angle...

Sunken in license plate hole...

Skinning from the inside...

Looking good...

Lower lip skinned.. Time for the top...

One of the exhaust slot from the inside...

Hidden bolt-down points on each end...

SKINNED and 95% DONE ! (just needs detailing)

Backup lights... 12-volt 50-watts each in stainless tube

A thanks to everyone here and to my 100+ 30's Chevy guys on the Yahoo list for keeping me ROCKIN with the daily emails of encouragement that they send...


Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Very Small English Wheel
June 22, 2004, 11:49:23 PM
I just started playin with WIRE-FORMING.. and HAMMER FORMING

the english wheel is next !

Before with NOTHING..

During..., OEM rear horns on the new frame section...

AFTER: Corners welded and ground...

DONE: A few 'lows' but not bad for first attempt from nothing...
Rodder's Roundtable / Thanks Guys...
March 13, 2004, 08:02:23 AM
Wanted to mention if you get to a password page ignore it...
Click the tiny DOT in the bottom right corner of the same page (hidden link)

Had a few local MORONS trying to "take over" from the lounge chair...

Now they can watch the paint dry on the walls..
