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Messages - 73pwrwgn

Quote from: "enjenjo"Take the carb off, and check the manifold where the carb bolts on. Carter OE carbs had a vacuum passage that the Edelbrock base does not cover, causes just the problem you are having. Either epoxy up the hole, or use two gaskets with a seperator plate that will cover the hole.
well I have the edelbrock performer manifold on the engine
well I'm having some troubles I have this carb on a 360 dodge motor the truck has a horrible idle likes to diesel smells like fuel but seems to run just fine after I accelerate and I'm driving I noticed that theres a little fuel leaking from the shaft that the secondaries are on and I had suspected maybe a vacume leak so I put a piece of hose to my ear and listened around and I can hear air leaking from the throttle rod on the choke side and when I look in the carb I can see fuel just sitting In one corner of the secondaries can anyone tell me is it the air leak that would make the motor run like that? Is the carb fixable ? should I be leaking air around there? also the side where I can hear the air leak I tried to adjust my idle/air mixture and that side wont change engine I can go all the way lean or rich and doesnt change anything any info would be greatly appreciated