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Messages - old ford

Quote from: TopsterguyI'm doing a '40 Ford pickup using an aftermarket chassis, but there's no joles where the gas tank mounts. Anyone know the measurements ( from box holes or whatever) or how to locate these holes? Thanks! :wink:

I have an orginal "40 ford pickup chassis with the fuel tank installed. The hole on the right side (pass side) is 8 1/4" forward of the rear end of the frame. The rear hole one the left (driver side) is 4 1/4" from the frame end and the forward hole is 11 1/2" forward of the frame end.
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: pictures
August 12, 2007, 05:08:46 PM
Quote from: WZ JUNK
Quote from: old fordI am a recent member of RRT and am unable to view some pictures posted in the tech articles. What am I doing wrong?
Old Ford

A lot of the time it is the size of the picture that is the problem.  Check the size limitations and see if your picture is to big.  You can resize your picture and then post it.


I'm not trying to post a picture,..I'm trying to view pictures that are posted to an article.
Rodder's Roundtable / pictures
August 12, 2007, 04:14:46 PM
I am a recent member of RRT and am unable to view some pictures posted in the tech articles. What am I doing wrong?
Old Ford