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Messages - Pope Downunder

Rodder's Roundtable / Re: 170 degree thermostat
July 27, 2007, 10:09:05 AM
Quote from: "rumrumm"I think I may try to modify my 180 thermostat by drilling two 1/8 inch holes in it and see if that drops it 10 degrees. I saw this mentioned on another website some time ago. I'd rather be running around 200 degrees than 210.

I had a few problems with my 180 degree thermostat and widely fluctuating temps.  To me it seemed too '*'; either open or shut.  I read about the 1/8" hole idea as well.  My 'theory' is that it traps an air or steam bubble under the thermostat and it therefore remains closed until it suddenly snaps open and a ruch of cool water comes through.

Anyway, I drilled the 1/8" hole and it improved.  Later, I fitted an overflow tube and that made a big difference.  This is a similar issue, as the design of the '32 radiator does not allow it to be completely filled you end up with air over the top tank.  This air is compressible; unlike water.  So, when it shuts down the air expands and forces some water out. More air makes it worse.

Anyway, to cut the rant down, the combination of the 1/8" hole and the overflow tank made a tremendous difference.  The temp is much more stable and it does not 'burp' water.
Quote from: "Rayvyn"
Quote from: "jusjunk"ill just finish the filling of the welds on my rearend.

I'm not saying a word. I'll be nice... :D

Quote from: "jusjunk"My wrist is killing me from sanding
Dave :wink:  :arrow:

OK, nice is over...Yeeah. Sanding. That's it. They'll believe that. Sure. Right. Sanding huh? Yeah okay... :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:  :wink:  :D

I'd try that; but, it sounds too painful for me!
Acually, I am building a cubby house for the kids.  May do the door next.
I 'conned' my father (83) into making three windows for it.  So; it's now a 'one door three window'
Rodder's Roundtable / Offset cross shaft for MII
July 24, 2007, 11:36:30 PM
Quote from: "Joe Gaddy"GPster, I remember the article you speak of. I think it is only to allow adjustment with shims as opposed to serations on the arms. I really think you would only need this in racing that put hard side loads on the suspension. In fact, there is a company in Dallas [?] that makes a plate that bolts on and does the same thing. They are used mainly by the repo Cobra guys. I always enjoyed Franks articles and he was good to come up with neat stuff like this. Wish Street Rodder had not replaced him.

Frank Oddo 'Shop Manual' did stuff on the MII alignment issues that 'may' be covered in some of these:
Vol 19/06 June 1990, 21/03 March '92, 22/02 Feb '93;  25/10 Oct '96 r 30/02 Feb '01

From my database.
Rodder's Roundtable / Tragedy in Tennessee
June 28, 2007, 03:29:57 AM
Quote from: "donsrods"
Quote from: "EMSjunkie"There is gonna be quite a "Fecal Storm" before this is all said and done :(


Yeah Vance, for years and years to come.  :(  :(


That is a terrible thing to happen.  Apart from the law suit, I can't imagine how that must impact those involved.
Rodder's Roundtable / Tragedy in Tennessee
June 28, 2007, 03:29:51 AM
Quote from: "donsrods"
Quote from: "EMSjunkie"There is gonna be quite a "Fecal Storm" before this is all said and done :(


Yeah Vance, for years and years to come.  :(  :(


That is a terrible thing to happen.  Apart from the law suit, I can't imagine how that must impact those involved.
Quote from: "40"Hi Neal! Glad to see you're still checking up on us from time to time! The truck looks awesome but I also liked it with the steel wheels....Now you can go back and forth! Tell that old traveling companion of yours I said Hello.....He needs to stop by here and fill us in on what he's up to also! Life has a way of throwing us curves but I suspect you'll do just fine....Glad you're getting it all settled!

Thanks Daryl,

Sometimes I feel like my balls have had the curves kicked into them!  Still, I soldier on; hopefully a bit wiser for the experience.

Yes, I'll ask Steve to do that.
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Wheels and deals
June 27, 2007, 03:54:28 AM
Quote from: "Crosley"I helped the local economy this afternoon..

2008 Goldwing...... level 3 bike with ABS , Navigation , Heated seats & grips....

the red metallic is really nice looking in person.

The ride home... the bike indicated an ambient temp of 113*F

Very nice 'scooter'.
Quote from: "Flipper"What did it look like before?

It looks pretty much perfect now.

It was exactly the same, except it had steelies the same colour as the body, with 'single spinner' Customline caps and trims.
Quote from: "WZ JUNK"Looks great.

Long time no see.


Thanks.  The wheels were a bit of a 'treat' to me, from me.

Yes, sorry it has been a while.
As you know my marriage fell apart in 2004 just after I returned from the US trip, and it has taken three years to sort the settlement.  Fair to say, this has been a very trying time.  I have moved, taken up a new position as well.  I haven't been able to anything much with the cars for that whole time either.

Anyway, it is now settled, but I expect that I will be very stretched time wise and financially for at least five years.  This I did not need at this stage of my life, but it wasn't like I had much say in it!
The pickup has been on the road for seven years in this form and I wanted to change the look a little.  What better way than to change the wheels.  The issue with changing the wheels was always the fact that the diff is too wide to allow a decent offset wheel, (being a full-width 'Tank' Fairlane unit).  Since the Nationals, I have narrowed the diff.  These are the new 'Real' wheels; Terrible name, but the wheels are beautifully made from very fine castings and the polish job is perfect.  
The pickup is now back together.  It looks different with the new wheels.
Rodder's Roundtable / Another one lost
December 28, 2006, 08:52:21 PM
To Don's family and friends;

I am deeply saddened by his passing.  

I met Don for the first time in 2000 on a flying visit when I dropped into the Goodguys Colorado event.  He was very friendly and was very interesting to talk to.  We kept in touch via the RRT.

In 2004, when Steve and I came over, Don went to some special trouble for us pre=Bonneville in Ogden.  He and Mickey met up with us and took us on a garage tour, to a cruise night and to their STAGs clubrooms.  It was fantastic for us.  

Another good guy has passed on, but he obviously made a significant contribution to his country, and made lots of friends; he will be sadly missed.

Isn't Antarctica the driest continent?  Lots of snow there.

Anyway; that cool-dry air was good for something.

I spent the whole of Boxing Day at WSID watching the drags qualifiers.  Cool air, full sun; 23% humidity; . . . beautiful.  Good times too; Phil Reed ran a 4.57 329, the fastest ever Australian run.  Then, there was the fastest side by side Australian run; Reed 4.61/ Grubnic 4.84 with Grubnic off it at 1000 feet.  Then; Scott Kalitta(?) ran a 4.51 332 at 10pm.  He was at 276Mph at 660 feet!  This is the world's fastest pass outside the USA.  

Today is racing; it is possible they could dip into the '4.4's' today with this cool dry air; but, I had to get back to work.
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Calling Bob K
December 18, 2006, 01:08:57 AM
Quote from: "GPster"
Quote from: "Pope Downunder"Bob,        Neil
When I saw the subject I thought you were looking for rooms in Wendove next August and trying to avoid the rush after the first of the year. GPster

I wish!

Last time I was over there was in 2004.  I was very stressed, about the marital situation at home.  When I got home, I realised I wasn't stressin' about nothing!  

At least if I do come back I won't have that to worry about!
Rodder's Roundtable / Calling Bob K
December 15, 2006, 12:24:48 AM
Quote from: "purplepickup""Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "Wow - What a ride!'" :0-0

That's it!

Thanks guys; it might put a grin on his face.  It was certainly a serious scare; although the doctors seem to give him good prospects; but, he has to make some serious lifestyle adjustments.  Of course, he is resisting any changes.
Rodder's Roundtable / Calling Bob K
December 14, 2006, 09:25:46 PM

I was trying to recall one of your old signatures.

Something about not cruising through life trying to preserve yourself; rather, living it to the fullest and sliding to a halt at the pearly gates all used up.

I am kooking for a colleague who has just had a heart attack, and it seems to fit his attitude quite well.

