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Messages - Aussie Rob

Rodder's Roundtable / Ebay
June 02, 2009, 02:46:17 AM
Outside of the states, for anyone with a US manufactured vehicle and a computer, Ebay was a boon. It still is though the prices and shipping hae escalated. I've bought everything from a grill strip to an overdrive solenoid that I either would not have been able to find, or would have had to pay the middle man's mortgage for.

I too watch local collectors vehicles as a general price guide. What is happening all too often now days are people with multiple IDs (or their friends) are bidding up their own items to falsely inflate the prices. It's against Ebay rules but how can you prove it.

I'm also a keen aeromodeler and have bought many a kit/engine that I'd not otherwise have been able to.

Ultimately you pay what it's worth or let it go. Foolish buyers don't get shipping quotes before bidding then complain or renege at auctions end.


Those first two photos are the top floor of Roselands carpark.
