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Messages - Mercman1951

If this isn't the best place for an intro, I hope the MODs move this. I tried to find a 'new members' post place, but didn't see it- this seemed the most likely place.

Hi all, newbie to the board here, but not new to cars...

My "non-life threatening manifesto":

First of all, I'm a transplant. I found my way here from a post on a traditional board, and also by word of mouth. I had heard of this site before, but never really poked around, so I signed up. After looking around a bit, I see some framiliar names.

I'm Mercman1951, and for those not framiliar with me, among other things, I'm building a 1951 Mercury 2 Door on a 1988 Lincoln Town Car chassis. I'ts been slow going, a 'back burner' if you will.

I have a website that details the complete history and progress I've made so far, (and a lot of that progress I've made with the help of some really good friends):

I update it as I go along. If there are no recent updates, it's because I haven't been working on it like I should be...I do have a couple home improvement projects going on too...and, now that it's warm, YARDWORK has once again reared it's ugly head...ugh.

I'm not into all things 'traditional' so in some aspects I don't fit on that 'other' site, although I really do like it and contribute when I can.
I hope I can do the same here.  

I appreciate all cars & the hotrodding lifestyle for what they are, and I think I can step back and look at things from the 'other' person's perspective. I believe that the definition of a true hotrodder is one who builds a car to suit himself. Period. My general philosophy is "to each his own". I'm trying to keep my car 'period' looking on the outside, but still have modern driveablilty--what so many years of factory engineering has presented us with--the best of both worlds as far as I'm concerned.

Would I do a frame swap again? Probably not if it was a 'mainsteram car'. I learned a lot along the way, and hopefully I have educated others in their decisions where I, on the other hand, had nothing else to go on- other than it "looked good on paper!"

I'm also into OTHER cars that are largely not represented at all on the web.... I love orphans. I love "non-mainstream". I love quirky..but not AMC quirky... LOL!

Here is the rest of my website that should bring everyone up-to-date with my passions (illnesses):

I like big cars. I like Big "boaty" cars. I'm a 90% Ford guy if there is such a thing. My Father worked at the Wixom assembly plant for 40 years (in Michigan) & was recently forced into 'retirement', so I lean in THAT direction...big know.

So here I am. Knee deep in a project I can't back out of now. Not quite "traditional" but "hotrodder" all the way. Hopefully it will be running THIS year.

I have been into cars all my life. Drew them from an early age. I took as much auto shop as I could in H.S., I worked in a body shop for 6 years while going to college. I've been a porter, a carpenter, a pipefitter, a body guy, a frame guy, and a paint guy. I know my way around a collision shop. We did "treats" once in a while...the non-insurance jobs...but I wanted to make cars a hobby, not pay the bills- so I have an office job now. Last thing I wanted to do at the end of the day working on everyone else's cars was work on mine. I couldn't build up the drive. Some people can do it, but I couldn't.

I will offer what I can, and remain quiet on things I don't know a whole lot about.

As a side note, I'm a huge Johnny Cash fan, and I am into comuter graphics. I am single with a GF, and have a great German Shepherd named DiDi. LOL....

Looking forward to making some new friends...and seeing some framiliar faces.

Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"

Nope, and everyone kept their clothes on as well.

Do you have a heat shield on the carb? Sounds like the fuel may be boiling. I have seen some setups where they bolt on a plate between the carb and intake as a shield...from the aluminum plate. Is that what you guys are talking about?
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: FRENCHED HEADLIGHTS
April 20, 2007, 11:46:53 PM

Thats what rob said too when I read the post to him. But I told him I couldn't say that LOL  But since you did I will  :wink:


I used the 'IMO' so I could displace myself from those who like the looks of them on every car.

This is a big "to each his own" area. I'm not badmouthing the people/cars that use them, and I'm sure they are a great product, but personally, on my car- I considered them; decided against them. They would look out of place to me. All depends on the "look" you're going for.

I should also say, I have seen a couple cars where they looked right...they have to fit with the overall "look" of the car, but I'm more of the traditional style when it comes to headlights and 'frenching'- so that's what I gravitate towards. I've seen plenty of cars where they didn't work to me...more like the owner was saying "Hey, look at me, I got Hagens!"

Initially I liked them when they first came out...but all of a sudden a bunch of cars came out to the public that were high dollar stuff, and it then became the "norm" to have them, and that turned me off too.

If it flows with the overall design of the car, cool. If it looks like a tacky aftermarket add-on, for add-on sake, no...again, to each his own.

Hope that clears up my muddied thoughts on this topic! :)
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: 47 ford
April 20, 2007, 11:26:22 PM
Quote from: "Kctom"Here in the only picture of the 47 after paint that I have here in front of me. Will post some when I get it back from interior shop

Love the color! Looks great.
Quote from: "kb426"I can't powdercoat the front end parts on the 32. Does anyone have any ideas for a durable coating for shocks, springs with sliders, etc.? This is going to be my daily driver.

If it were my car, I'd DP-90 them, then use the top coat of your choice. Will be almost as durable as powdercoat...Assuming you prep them right before the DP-90 goes on. Clean, Clean, CLEAN!
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: FRENCHED HEADLIGHTS
April 18, 2007, 10:58:13 PM

Hagen's kits don't look right. IMO.

Winfield's kits seem to offer adjustments. I have yet to weld them in, but they are a nice kit from the looks - (I own a set.)

FWIW, the term "Frenched" with regards to headlights comes from the term "Frenched cuff", as in sport coats or suits, from the look of the sleeve.

These are more "tunneled" than anything; the "Hagen" style is a style all it's own. It's certainly not a "Frenched" look to me.

Just my .02