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Messages - Norm Old paint

That white Jaguar rod's fender is missing because he took it off on the road between Oatman and Topoc.  We saw him stopped on the side of the road futzing around with it, so we stopped and loaned him a crescent wrench. One of the two bolts holding the fender on was gone and the fender was acting scary.  We haven't seen our truck in anyone's photos, but we were in the blue 67 F-250 4X4 with stock wheels.  Big tires are not cool, especially when you have no power steering.  We like the skinny tire rods we saw. And especially the flatties.  This was our second Fun Run, having done it in 2006.We are me, Norman (52), my daughter Molly (11) and son Mark (9). Hope to see you guys next year !