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Messages - CrAzY MoPaR GuY

Rodder's Roundtable / Anudder NEWBIE.
February 05, 2007, 11:56:12 PM
Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"Welcome tot he RRT Mr Mopar.......I sure hope your not going to paint yours PINK! :roll:  :wink:

Well, no pink for me! Haven't commited to a color yet though!

Thanks dragrcr50! Are you the owner of the mean lookin Vicky?

Rodder's Roundtable / Anudder NEWBIE.
February 05, 2007, 12:12:06 AM
Hi guys! Thanks again!
Love that wagon Normspeed!

I'll shoot ya a PM Bill!
Rodder's Roundtable / Anudder NEWBIE.
February 04, 2007, 10:48:17 PM
Quote from: "moparrodder"Kwel!!  another Mopar guy 8)   I have a 40 2dr P10 Deluxe that is still in the building stages.  I love your coupe and that motor is just killer and your dash is pretty cool too.  Keep up the good work and keep us posted on the build.  Oh I almost forgot to say WELCOME to the site!!!!  


Hi Bill!!!!!!!!
I've owned my 40 since the early 1980's, drove it/ raced it for many years before putting it on the back burner. I dug it out in 2000 and tore it completely apart for a redo.
I am doing most of the stuff myself as much as I can, but this is the first car I've built where I did NOT build the engine myself. (I built engines for years and years) I went with a well known name, I hope the engine stays together, cause I'm gonna try my best to break it! LOL

Here's a pic from 1985 the way I drove it for years......

If you need any odd 1940 parts give me a holler, I got extra this and thats from over the years.
Any pics of your 40?

Thanks for the Marlin pic KustomLincolnLady! I love it!
Rodder's Roundtable / Anudder NEWBIE.
February 04, 2007, 10:07:09 PM
Now I just gotta find "Member's Rides"...

I recognize a whole lotta names and posters here!

- found it!
Cool ride !!
Rodder's Roundtable / Anudder NEWBIE.
February 04, 2007, 09:34:58 PM
Quote from: "enjenjo"Welcome to the RRT. I have a tubbed Marlin. Any pictures?

I love Marlins!

What are you putting in it for power?
Rodder's Roundtable / Anudder NEWBIE.
February 04, 2007, 08:56:01 PM
Hi guys!

Yup, lots a pics, but not very much driving abilities so far! haha it's *ALMOST* running, but not quite.

Hopefully the pics aren't deemed too big......

Rodder's Roundtable / Anudder NEWBIE.
February 04, 2007, 04:12:55 PM

Thought I would drop in and look around! I have a Pro Street 1940 Plymouth . It's still in the "project" stage, about to come apart for body/paint.