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Messages - earl35chev

I went to a dealership and they were able to tell me what the WKA (suffix code) means.  It is a 4.3 vinW from a 1994 Caprice.  The vinW stands for a multiport engine if it was a vinZ it would be a throtal body engine.  Earl
Hey, guys thanks for your help.  I have not seen the suffix code broken down in two parts before.  The engine is somewhere in the 94-95 year range.  It is a multi-port fuel injector engine.  I also saw the WK for the '69 year but I don't believe the multi-ports were back there.  Will keep looking and will check the casting numbers.  Earl
I went to the library and found engine identification number for Chev engine, however there is no explaination for the last three items other than, "type code".  My engine's last three items are WKA.  Does anyone know how to read this and what does it mean?  Thanks for your help.  I know the first "0" is the source code, second "00" is the month produced, the third "00" is the day produced, the real question is the fourth group "000" type code.  Thanks again. Earl