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Messages - fatfender

Rodder's Roundtable / Another one lost
January 05, 2007, 11:53:00 PM
Don Palfreyman - Such A Great Loss!

There is something wonderful missing in our lives and it hurts!  Don was the friendliest, happiest and most caring of all the street rodders we have met.  We loved to just sit with him at a cruise night, car show or on a long trip and just talk - about anything!  The most impressive thing about Don was that there was never a car or project about which he didn't have something good to say.  Even if it was the most outlandish project you had ever seen, he would still find something positive to say about it or its builder.  Don never gave on that he might think less of anyone.  

Don's Good Guys news articles that he wrote were the first thing we read in the Mountain West Street News.  They were always entertaining.  He had the best sense of humor!  Not many folks can put things in words and still make you laugh like he did.  

Whenever you saw Don it was not enough to shake hands or just say"Hi".  A hug was mandatory.  A great big bear hug for all the gals and a good ol' pat on the back for the guys!  We will miss those hugs.  We will miss Don.  But, we will always be grateful for the wonderful memories!

Luv ya', Don.  And as we always said when we parted, "Keep on Cruisin!"

Steve & Carolyn

:cry:  :(  :cry:  :(