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Messages - RestoRod

Rodder's Roundtable / Sunbeam Tiger
August 15, 2006, 10:35:46 PM
This subject brings back fond memories of my Sunbeam Tiger which I purchased new in 65. No screamer off the line but it really came into it's own once the needle passed 100mph. It was probably the most secure car to drive at high speed that I have ever driven. It just seemed to glue itself to the road the faster you went. Even on winding roads it never got scary.
One of my favourite jokes was to gradually increase the speed until I was doing more than 100, then place my hand in front of the speedometer and ask my passenger how fast they thought we were going. No one ever even guessed close.
I recall a very fast trip through Toronto to avoid being late for my own wedding. I had left my house only to find that I had a flat tire. Dressed in my wedding suit, I changed the tire, then drove at speeds that seldom went under 95 to reach the church in downtown Toronto, a drive of about 40 miles.
Fortunately, all went well, the OPP were not out that day, my bride was not left waiting and the ride was exhilarating. I loved that car....unfortunately it did not have room for a growing family and had to be sold a couple of years later. :(