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Messages - FatJohnny

Rodder's Roundtable / Need a new Spark for the hobby
August 09, 2006, 08:07:53 AM
Thanks for the replies:

phat rat, you ask what I liked before I put the car up. My answer: Tinkering, welding, building. I am the type of person where I must be doing something to the cars. I get bored very easily sitting in a parking lot at most of the local cruise-ins. Big shows are different since there is usually more to do than sit in a chair and roast under the summer sun. Other than that, I must be doing something to the car to keep my interest.

New Jersey
Rodder's Roundtable / Need a new Spark for the hobby
August 08, 2006, 06:10:28 PM
It's been a LONG time since I posted on RRT. As a matter of fact the last time I posted was on the old RRT. When the new RRT was created, I applied for an ID and password but for some reason it does not work but recognizes it.

Anyway, as we grow older in life our priorities change and sometimes we put our hobbies aside. This has happened to me when I bought an old house in Novemeber 2001. Since the house purchase, my cars have "slept" in my garage w/o much use. I spend 100% of my free time renovating the house room by room.  

There are times I open the garage door and stare at my cars and wonder when I will have time and the desire to drive them again and attend the car shows that me and my friends once did almost every weekend during the summer.  After a few minutes of dreaming of the old times, it's off to working around the house. Some of my friends  tell me to sell my cars, but I spent 2 years of my sweat and blood building each car from rust buckets to shinning painted metal.

I guess my question to the group is as follows: What does it take to ingite the old spark again? The end of summer is fast approaching.

New Jersey
