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Messages - goldstar

Quote from: "Crosley"In Tombstone i saw this little project for George.....  
 :arrow:   :wink:  :wink:  
there is a sign that tells you the vehicle is under video cameras to watch for vandals.  I think the cameras are broken

Looks like an awesome street racer to me. Any big OHV 8 cylinder or Jimmie 302, move the E brake to outside the body, lower the steering column by about half. Theres nothing missing that can't be made by hand. Is it for sale, how much? Thanks for sharing  
PS Methinks the Oregon rain is waterlogging my brain.
Rodder's Roundtable / spring mount
April 11, 2006, 11:02:45 AM
I'm starting to accumulate parts to build a "lakes" car. 37 Ford front and rear end, Chevy 250 6 cylinder, prolly get a Saganaw 4 speed, it will feature a riveted alloy body inspired by a photo of Phil Reminton's lakes car from the late 40s. Just got a new/used frame made by Speedway Motors sans front and rear spring mounts, have ordered new mounts. Question, front mount, what angle to mount it? Is the caster built into the mount or is it in the axle itself? Thanks for any discussion on this question. Bob