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Messages - nocentsracing

Rodder's Roundtable / Denise
January 30, 2006, 11:34:16 PM
Denise, I think we've met over cookies?  Mokan in August?
Here's the 47 main body.  I bought it disassembled, as it is today.  Plans are 351 Windsor, AOD, 9" rear, (all in hand) primer paint and Mexican blanket seats.
Rodder's Roundtable / Caswell?
January 29, 2006, 12:29:15 PM
I bought a kit and some powders from Caswell Plating, out of New York, but have not used them yet.  Has anyone had experience with the Caswell powders?  Here's a link if anyone's interested.  If memory serves me, the powder prices are much better than Eastwoods.  Thanks.
Hello folks, I stumbled across your little corner of cyberspace recently and really enjoyed eaves dropping on many of your discussions.  I'm a 50 year young guy in East Texas, curently building my first Hot Rod.  It's a 30 Model A coupe with a 1950 8BA with a t-5 transmission.  It will be mostly traditional, with spllit wishbones and buggy springs.  In the barn, I have a 47 Ford copupe and 57 Chevy pickup I want to get to some time.  I've restored/ hot rodded several 65-68 Mustangs in the past, but lost interest.  I found the part I  liked best about messing with cars was scrounging around and making something out of what most folks would consider junk.  I weld, fabricate, and paint at a "jack of all trades, master of none level".  I'm looking forward to "learning at the feet of the masters".  Thanks. John.