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Messages - txturbo

Quote from: "50 F1"A friend told me it would be a good idea to put 12volts to my coil just while the motor is cranking over to give it more juice to start.  Is this a good idea and if it is should it come from the ignition switch from the "S" post or from the "S" post ont the started or does it matter being they are hooked up with the same wire?    1968 327

Thanks Mike
very good idea. That's how the factory has always done it.
Rodder's Roundtable / Northstar engine oil leaks
May 01, 2014, 01:39:56 PM
No simple fix......bandaid maybe. The usual culprit is the o-ring that goes between the two halves of the block.Only fix is to replace the o-ring and that requires dropping the whole front sub frame from the car. have to replace all the block studs because at least half of them will twist off on disassembly and the ones that don't will most likely break on reassembly. I have a buddy that owns a Cadillac only shop and does Northstars all the time. He charges $3500 to fix the oil leak.
It could be a sticking valve or maybe the backfire dislodged a piece of carbon that is stuck between the valve face and seat. If it were me.... I would buy a quart of Marvel Mystery Oil....half in the oil and half in the tank and go drive it until it's hot. Shut it off and let it sit there for a couple days. Then start it and take it for a spin. This procedure has saved my butt several times. If it doesn't work it cost you less than $10. If it works it saved you lots of money and time.
Rodder's Roundtable / Water media stripping
May 01, 2014, 12:43:41 PM
I bought one of the water/recycled glass blasters. last year. I blasted my whole 55 chevy pickup, the bed of a 40 Ford pickup and some misc fenders. Works great for stripping paint, body filler and light rust. Takes a little more effort on pitted areas. No dust but it still makes a mess.