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Messages - Louver Dude

Rodder's Roundtable / Another HAMBER New Guy ...
January 16, 2006, 10:36:51 PM
Hi ,  just calls me Louver Dude ....most of my friends don't even know my real name. I  have been in the car Hobby for 20 years  when I Bought my first car with paper route money it was a 2 door 54 Chevy 210 sedan and was a real rot box but it helped me cut my teeth . Well don't want to ramble on  look forward to talking to ya!
Rodder's Roundtable / Another HAMBER New Guy ...
January 16, 2006, 08:51:45 PM
Hi ,  just calls me Louver Dude ....most of my friends don't even know my real name. I  have been in the car Hobie for 20 years  when I Bought my first car with paper rote money it was a 2 door 54 Chevy 210 sedan and was a real rot box but it helped me cut my teeth . Well don't want to ramble on  look forward to talking to ya!