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Messages - Beep

Rodder's Roundtable / Bantam on the HAMB
October 27, 2006, 09:12:50 AM
Thanks for the input, but that one on the HAMB is a Bantam Roadster. I'm looking for a Batam Coupe.  I am re-creating an old (59-62) AA/F Coupe and we used a Bantam Coupe body. Keep looking guys, I know there is at least one still out there somewhere.
Rodder's Roundtable / NEED: Bantan Coupe
October 26, 2006, 02:26:35 PM
Need a steel 31/32 Bantam Coupe body. Any ondition
Rodder's Roundtable / The Truth of it All
September 20, 2006, 10:55:43 AM
:shock: It is your own fault. It is their fault. It is my fault. Actually, it is eveyones fault and it is a simple round table-table re-action. It is not that complicated.  Jobs come from demand. Period,,end of coversation. Where there is a demand, there will be a builder or maker or providor. This builder-maker-providor will hire workers. Demand = building something = hiring people. Simple.

:oops: Currently we (and I mean all of us) in America demand stuff and that's good. However, we want it at the absolute cheapest price and don't care who builds-makes or provides it. In 98% of the cases we don't even look to see who built it or where it is built. Price,,,,that's all we look at. And that's not good in the long run.  Yes, quality is important, but price is where we go,,every single time.

:P Listen up dudes.....labor is cheaper in other places. This is a fact of life on earth. If we don't buy "made in America" stuff becuase it is too pricy and buy the cheaper one, guess what?  Builers-maker-providors who want to stay in business move to that other place. It is not a hard equation.

T :lol: he answer: stop buying at Walmart and go to the little guy down the street. Stop buying Toyotas, Nissans, Hundais and all the other "cheaper" cars and buy a Ford or Chevy of Chrysler.

Outsourcing happens for a reason. Believe me when I tell you that no CEO or Board of Directors that I know gets up in the morning and starts wondering where he can ship the jobs to today. We make that decision for him every day.

Now I know that this is going to * off the people who don't want to think about complicated things, but think about it the next time you see a lay-off.  And think about this, Ford is likely going down sooner than you think. Chrysler is actually a German company. We will then only have one car company here. Hmmmm, talk about lay-offs.
Rodder's Roundtable / 'Lectric question?
August 21, 2006, 01:38:40 PM
:lol: I'd bet ya $1.28 and a tall cold coke that it's your high beam relay or what we used call it, the dimmer switch. If it doesn't do it on low beam,,,I bet ya got a bad dimmer switch. Let me know.
Rodder's Roundtable / AA/F Coupe Up Date
August 16, 2006, 10:21:15 AM
Hey guys, the coupe is getting closer and closer. Still a long ways to go and I haven't even begung to put the Coupe body on yet, but just wanted ya to see what I got so far. I haven't done body work in over 4o years, but I think the skin turned out fair for e beginer.
Rodder's Roundtable / Good Ol days
August 16, 2006, 10:11:33 AM
Yep,,,in the good ol days, there were race cars running true Pontiacs, Buicks, Oldsmobiles, Cadilacs, Desotos, Packards, Studebakers, Lincolns, Mercury's, even Edsels, Plymouths, and others besides the sbc and the hemi. These were not "Corporate" engines either. These were true Pony's, nailheads, FE's, 394's, 292's, 312's, 331's, 354's, wedge head engines (the MEL series and the 348/409 Chevy's) and yes, a bazillion flatheads. *,,,I sure miss those days.
Rodder's Roundtable / Back to work
August 16, 2006, 10:01:16 AM
Fantastic. I went down in 2001 with 7, yes count them 7 by-passes and one stint. However, the doc did a supreb job and I have never felt better. Damages? 10% to the rear of the heart (not critical) only, none to the front.  :lol: I'm smiling all the way to the races.
Rodder's Roundtable / Gorilla Snot?????????????????
July 27, 2006, 11:38:47 AM
:shock:  * guys,,,what a name for a sealant. I mean I've heard of Granulated Gorilla Grunt, but LMAO,,,,nevr Gorilla snot.
Rodder's Roundtable / Bantam
July 26, 2006, 10:35:59 AM
This is what I am aiming for
Hey guys, I saw the advice you gave on "color sanding" and wow,,,,that was the best.  Tha's what I like so much about hot rodders,,,willing to help others and no jealousy involved.

I am about to start on some fiberglass work and need the best advice I can get. I have zero experience, but insist on doing it myself for the learning experience. After all, this project is also about therapy.

I have purchased a new "race version" Vicky body from Speedy and need to alter it to  ake it resemble a chopped, channeled and section 32 Bantam Coupe. I need to widen it somewhat, chop the top anmd do some cosmetic work to Bantanize it  I have purchased fiberglass panels as fillers to do the wideneing.  What I need to know is the basics of resins, preparation, application, sanding, etal.  HELP................. :lol:
Rodder's Roundtable / What do they insure?
July 26, 2006, 10:12:49 AM
What all does grundy insure. I am re-creating an old AA/F Coupe. I will never drive or race it,,,strictly a show and cackle car. I may want to insure it for theft or damage caused by idiots such as some drunk making it into a trash can with their car. This happende to me once back in 1964. We lost everything and no insurance. Hated it.
Rodder's Roundtable / *................
July 26, 2006, 10:05:31 AM
* fella's...aint nobody got none? Back in the "good old days" there were plenty of em running at the drags and in the boats. Hmmm, maybe i'm actually all alone in here,,,out in the darness of MEL land,,,where the boogy men are at work (those being sbc dudes of course)..LOL. For sure somebody gotta have some.
All out full racing engines, hot rod engines, rat rod engines, incomplete ones,,,any and all. I know that there out there. Lets see em. 383 merc's, 410 Edsels, 430 and 462 Lincs,,,all of em.
Rodder's Roundtable / Tough enough Now
July 25, 2006, 10:32:21 AM
Yes sir,,,,,,,, it would look very nice in a new glass 32, but it's been tough enough finding all the parts for a MEL engine as it is.  When I began this project, I contacted all the original manufacturers who made parts way back then. Most said "a what engine?" Some of the compnaies don't even exist anymore like Scheifer clutches, Delta, M/T, etc.  When I gave them their old part numbers, they mostly said,,,,,whooooa man, we haven't made those since about 1965 or so,,,how old are you anyway.....LOL.

My next project is a 1959 Ford Ranchero which I will install a 1958 Edsel E-475 engine.   :roll:  now ain't that gonna be easy?????
Rodder's Roundtable / Yeeeehaawww, got 1
July 24, 2006, 01:37:42 PM
Finally found a rear blower fuel pump drive plate. Took nearly a year, but I got one. It is a Reath Automotive one from the 60's and is complete and works. Now I can finish my engine for my AA/F Coupe recreation. That blown fuel burning 430 CI MEL will once again breath fire.