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Messages - Rashy


Kids World?

Ya got the wrong dude. :D

I was in Denton at Pistons and Paint...
Well I'll be! I didn't  know Joe Gaddy was on here!

Thanks guys!
Rashy here,

I thought I did an intro when I signed on but I suppose not since the last post I made called iteslf number 1.

So, what do you want to know about me?

Let's see, I'm new to the message board thing ;) but I do like to spend a little time on another mildly popular board. or three.

Hmmm, I like puppy dogs, sunsets, walks on the beach and Unicorns.

I'm a Gemini and read my horoscope every day and try to make it come true.

I love the Midwest, HATE Texas but am secretly in love with a Texan.

Cars? Oh yeah, cars.

I don't know that I can get a pic to post here. I dug Crosleys weather link so much I tried to do my own for Tulsa but you can take a look below and see how that worked out. I'll try, but you might just have to click on the links...

My first "NSRA" friendly sweetheart. I was raised by Street Rodders. Sorta like being raised by wolves who bathe. You can find an interesting mix of Street Rod VS "Ol school" in this beast. I've had it since 1990 when it was dragged out of a ditch in a Texas pasture. IT was nosed in and lived there since 76. We have a love/hate relationship and I'll never get rid of it. It is for sale though:)

Next up, the car that brought me to my current obsession...

My wifes car. I looked at it about three years before she bought it and I wanted it real bad. My wife at the time gave me the big hell no. I gave her the big get lost a while later and forgot about this car. Then my girlgriend at the time and now current wife saw one at a show and was in love. I told her I wanted one a few years back but no. Turns out the dude who had it, still had it and he was at the show. We looked at it the next day. She called me two days later and told me I needed to get my self back from Milwaukee cuz she bought it and wanted it home.

Bless her pointy head.

I love the car but I was always after a 59 El Camino. And last year I found one...

I bought this thing last winter and have been amassing parts. I've got some ideas for it and this winter will be the beginning of it's transformation.

Is that enough? Did I pass?
Rodder's Roundtable / 4 post lift
November 03, 2006, 10:26:01 PM

I'm Rashy from the HAMB.

I could have sworn I did an intro when I signed up but I guess not.
Rodder's Roundtable / 4 post lift
November 02, 2006, 09:20:11 PM
Something to consider that I never thought of until I tried to use my buddies two post lift,,,

We could not pick a 59 Chevy with it because there was no way to get the pads in far enough to catch the X-frame.