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Messages - zzford

Rodder's Roundtable / Insurance Renewal Time Again
January 03, 2008, 10:59:20 AM
Quote from: "Bruce Dorsi"I have often wondered about settling a "Total" loss claim.  

Let's say the value (either stated or agreed) of the vehicle is $15,000.

If the damage is $15,000 or greater, the vehicle is declared a "Total" by the insurance company.  .....The insurance company writes a check for $15K, and wants your damaged vehicle.

Can the insurance company declare a vehicle "Totaled" if the damages are LESS than the value (either agreed or depreciated) of the vehicle?

I believe in the past, it has been stated (by Enjenjo?) that the insurance company does NOT have the right to take the damaged vehicle.   ......If this is true, how does one challenge the insurance company?

In the above example, if the insurance company declares the vehicle a Total loss, and is willing write a check for $15K while expecting the damaged vehicle to be turned over to them, can I tell them to write the check for $14,999, and I keep the car, since it is now not a Total loss?

Bruce, Unless collector car insurance is different, most insurance adjusters figure the vehicle to be a total loss if the damage exceeds 85% of the value of the car. Now, this may have changed, but in the past, that is how they handled it.
Rodder's Roundtable / Anyone going to the Turkey Run?
November 20, 2007, 05:45:55 PM
Yup, I'll be there along with my son and his wife. I have a black 33 Ford highboy coupe with red wire wheels. My son has a black VW bug that's black with flames and a chopped top. His wife's VW is a black and salmon colored bug with no roof and a surf board stuck in the back. Stop by and say hi, if you see us. Fred
Rodder's Roundtable / Anyone know where the....
November 03, 2007, 02:38:43 PM
My wife has a 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazer with the inline six in it. I am having trouble finding the fuel filters' location. After searching underneath the car and in the engine compartment, I can't find it anywhere. I'm beginning to think that Chevrolet hid the filter in, perhaps, my attic. I'll never find it in that mess! Anyone know where it's hidden?
Rodder's Roundtable / Gasoline break point
October 28, 2007, 05:58:55 AM
I live about 20 miles to town. I have a 98 fullsize Chev pickup, My wife has a Trailblazer. We're kinda stuck paying whatever for gas to go to work. However, with my ZZ4 powered coupe, I have figured a way (though, I haven't tried it yet) to beat the high cost of fuel. From now on, when ever I wish to go to a show, cruise night or what ever, I will have my wife push while I steer. That reminds me, I must let her in on my idea.
Quote from: "Grandadeo"Looks like 5 years and 50 some thousand miles has taken its tole on me.  Yup, skin cancer.  The good Dermo took a hefty chunk of my left arm just above the elbow and left me with about 2 inches of stitches.  Got the biopsy results back and they have to take some more out of the same area plus take some meat from my left elbow.  Now I know its not just from roadster driving.  Its 60 years of being out in the sun.  But when I've got my arm hanging out of the '32 I never think to put sunscreen on it.  I'll coat my face and neck but figure my arms don't need it.  Boy was I wrong.  So Boys and Girls, if your driving or swap meeting - Lather Up.  I will be from know on.  We don't need another one eared roadster driver out there.

Lee, I'm glad you caught it early. I had a chunk of my shoulder removed for the same reason a couple of years ago. I thank God that I haven't had any reoccurance, since. Fred
Rodder's Roundtable / S-10/S-15 4 banger question
October 23, 2007, 12:45:23 PM
Anyone know what s-10, s-15 4 cylinders will accept a distributor? I want to use a battery type, stand alone ignition, no computer.
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Air cleaner top
May 13, 2007, 05:49:56 PM
Quote from: "enjenjo"I want a finned air cleaner top for my Buick. I want a finned one that matches the valve covers. I also want it to be round, and between 12" and 14" diameter. The fins I am looking for are about 1/2" apart, 1/8" thick, and 3/8" high. I can make one on my mill, but I see a lot of hours, and one mistake will ruin it.

Any suggestions?
I just bought an air cleaner assembly from .They were very prompt on delivery and the unit is a nice piece. I also bought a set of finned aluminum center bolt valve covers to match. Check them out.
Rodder's Roundtable / Need Help Choosing Mig Welder
March 22, 2007, 07:37:51 PM
My work has a Miller 210 and I was impressed enough with it that I bought one for home use. It has done everything that I've needed from it without fail. I was able to buy my locally for $1200 about two years ago.
Well, maybe not the best time, but certainly among the top ten. Hopped in the coupe yesterday AM and headed North to attend the annual Black Dog Garage BBQ and gathering of the faithful. Tom Pesula is the owner of the Black Dog garage. He with help of a number of his cronies threw another event of staggering coolness at his world class home garage. I don't know exactly how many were in attendance, I would guess somewhere between a whole slew and a big ol' mess of rodders. Many way cool cars were present, both old familiar units and several brand new unseen by these old eyes. All so very cool. Of course the ubiquetis Granddadeo was present. The BBQ food was fantastic but the best part of the whole she-bang was the guys in attendance. Everyone a hard core rodder. Cars ran the gamit of customs, muscle cars, but far and away the style most represented was the street rod. It was so nice to mingle with your honest-to goodness peers. Most car events don't offer this feature and it made for a very special event. Present, were many of the legends of Florida rodding. Thanks again to Tom and all the rest of the crew that made this such a special, special event. Fred Baum
Rodder's Roundtable / Turkey run
November 11, 2006, 06:34:22 AM
Quote from: "Grandadeo"Like the Rabbi said, "It won't be long now."  Anyone else planning on making Daytona?

HiYa Lee, I'm planning on going. I am having some clutch problems with the coupe, however. The clutch was slipping so I replaced it but now it won't disengage. I gotta figure that out first. If I do make it I'll stop by and say hi to you and Tom.   Fred
Rodder's Roundtable / Seamless tubing
July 01, 2006, 06:16:59 PM
Dunno if it will help, but try , they have tappable tubing in a wide variety of sizes. Comes in 4 and 8 foot lengths, pretty cheap, too.
Quote from: "seadog"I have looked high an low for a wiper arm/blade combo that will fit the windshield of my three inch chopped Deuce 5window.  Does anybody on here know of a source or, failing that, what's the process for chopping the arm and blade.  It can't be as simple as cutting a slice out of the middle and welding the arm back together, can it?  How do you then shorten the blade?  I'm at work now and can't get to the car to measure the actual windshield height, but I think it's something in the neighborhood of 8-9 inches tall, maybe a little more or less.  Thanks.  -Tom
I have a 33 3W coupe and I am using early (pre 65) VW wipers and arms. They work well but don't cover much area.
Rodder's Roundtable / Re: N & N 32 3 window
June 27, 2006, 06:23:49 PM
Quote from: "Daveyboy"Hi anyone live close to or have a car from N & N
what do you know of them?
I am looking for some one that is close to them and can look in on a body and frame i want to buy.

I have seen several of Koory's bodies and have not at all been impressed. They seem, in my opinion, rough as a cob. You get what you pay for (if you're lucky). They are cheap and I understand there is no waiting for him to build it. I guess the demand for his bodies is low enough that he can have a few sitting on the shelf. My coupe is Minotti bodied. Minotti had some dealings with Dave Koory and didn't have any nice things to say about the relationship or Dave's character.
Rodder's Roundtable / THE ROAD TO LA
June 23, 2006, 06:11:33 PM
Lee,Glad to hear that you are all home safe and sound. I guess you must all be pretty worn out. I got tired just reading of your trip. Going to the Corn Boil ? I won't be there this go 'round, too much stuff to do around the old homestead. Plus the coupe is in dire need of a clutch. Not looking forward to that project, although lying on my back has been a major past time of mine.
That is exactly what I'm interested in. The Type III and Ghia are interchangable. Thank you.