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Messages - breeder

Rodder's Roundtable / RUST REVIVAL 08
March 24, 2008, 11:11:14 AM

i hear the guy that puts on the show is dreamy!!! :lol:
Rodder's Roundtable / RUST REVIVAL 08
March 15, 2008, 09:15:43 PM
Rodder's Roundtable / RUST REVIVAL 08
March 07, 2008, 07:46:17 PM

Rodder's Roundtable / Pic just because it's a slow day
January 19, 2008, 06:01:39 PM
looks awesome!!!!!!1
Quote from: "EMSjunkie"Welcome back Breeder, glad ya found us again.

I did see the incriminating photos over on the HAMB, but I don't blame you :wink:  :wink:

I'm in Amarillo TX. kinda close to MO.
hope to meet you at the drags in Mo-Kan. 8)


yes, and any of the photos with me in them, were doctored! :oops:  :lol:
i lost this site for along time  due to pc vs lightning...lightning won btw!...
so now i have found it once again....
just curious how many other mo folks were here..well, iowa, and illinois to i guess, seeings how im 15 mins from both!
and yeah, im bored, waitin on my pips to thaw ...gotta love winter! :cry:
Rodder's Roundtable / Mitchell In. Auction report
November 23, 2007, 11:32:29 AM
heard there was alot of stealin goin on over there! whata buncha *! good thing for me im broke, or id driven over there for no reason!
too bad the old guy didnt come off this stuff 20 years ago when it was more saveable...
its really 10 dollars off the show shirt with pre reg's!!!!* beeer! :oops:
i know denise really wanted to make it but she was very affraid she couldnt keep her hands off me and she really liked my wife shana!
its okay denise! happens all the time to me! :roll:  :lol:
pre reg's is now avaiable on our website!sign up and getcha 5 bones off the t shirt!!!hell, that like giving them away!
:lol:  :lol:
Quote from: "Sean"Mines a '65. Since your show is pre-'65 I guess I'll have to drive the Mitsubishi up there. It gets better mileage anyway... :wink:
i know the guy puttin it on,,i think i can sneak ya in!!! :wink:
okay then..could you go delete one on the calender then??i went back and posted a link to the flyer and it popped up twice!!!told ya i was slow!
i need a beer :roll:
doh!!!sorry gang!!!!i didnt see that! you can delete this if you will...i dont know how!!!!im sloowww :oops:
HEY KID'S!!!! our show the Rust Revival kicks off on june 2nd with a pre party the night before! have 4 great bands, stripers, the whole shebang!
check out some of the details here..
check often , we will be updating often!!!
Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"Thats great Todd, don't you feel good about that too?   :P  :wink:


you betcha hun!!!!i always do when i see him!
Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"
Quote from: "breeder"
Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"
of course your not going to see this today, cause your busy visiting PHILL!!!!  :wink:


i thoguht that till i got there and he was gone for khemo theraphy!!! :(  id forgot theyde moved it to thurs!..

Well Hope you went back today  :wink:

i did!!he was doiin pretty good too!!!took hime out for some cruisin to have his 4 cigs! glad he was doin good !!!!