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Topics - 47-forvette

October 21, 2005, 10:34:52 PM
I just wanted to check and see if anyone has had a problem color sanding and polishing Dupont single stage paint.  A buddy of mine just painted a car white, and when he started polishing it after several rounds of meticulous color sanding it appeared that the coats of paint did not blend together.  The paint rep called it "rings" and said it was some times an issue with their white and light blue.  Anybody else have this or a similar experience???
Which has more patina, Don Dillard's roadster or BoB K after 10 days on the road at the NHRA Cruise Night during the Ego-Rama?
Rodder's Roundtable / It's Official - Michigan Rules
September 12, 2005, 11:23:29 PM
I know we've been talking about it for a week already, but Rod and Custom offically posted the 2005 Asphalt Ego-Rama picks on their website today.  :b-d:
I just wanted to say thank you very, very much to all the RRT members who took the time to vote for myself and/or for any of the other RRT members to participate in the R&C Asphalt Ego-Rama.  Especially, since I'm such a Newbie here.   You will never know how much my wife Judy and I are looking forward to this week-long road trip adventure.  For the last two years, she and I have been caring for my mother Mary as her illness (Emphysema) progressively became worse.  She just recently passed at the age of 81, on 8/25/05, after a week of Hospice assistance.  I'm sure that after dealing with all of the trials and tribulations associated with settling her affairs, we will be more than ready to make some new friends and memories starting in Lake Tahoe at the end of the month.  

It sounds like Denise and Phat Rat have a handle on keeping the forum updated, so Judy and I will work real hard to give them something to write about.  However, I will be bringing my other toy, a new digital SLR camera, so maybe I can feed them pictures worthy of internet posting.  A picture can be worth a thousand words, or maybe a couple of cookies.

Again we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and we promise to be participants worthy of your vote.
Please remember to vote for all of the RRT members both hard copy and on line at

#1 Denise Sheldon (HotRodLadyCrusr)
#3 Jim Sheldon (lurker), he answers to "Denise's Dad"
#4 Corey Cummings (47-forvette)
#7 Al Cook (Big Al)
#11 Jack Parker (PhatRat)