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Messages - bombcan

Rodder's Roundtable / Lurkers
September 13, 2007, 08:13:47 PM
I guess I've retired to lurker status, sign in only once in a while when I stop by but most days I guess I'm registered as a guest.

Stopped in tonight looking for some technical info, saw the post and decided to let you know who at least one of the lurkers is.
Top Hat had worked a car show in North Georgia the last few years we attended.   He always had a crowd around him as he worked, and seemed to have the patience of Job, when working with the car owners.  I enjoyed watching him work, his showmanship was only topped by his talent. I really  wish that I had hung around long enough to get  him to stripe my model A the last time I saw him.

He was a very unique and talented man, truly his passing is our hobby's loss.
dang my suprise today was that the kids were coming to the lake and wanted to ride in my boat!  LOL

some Robs have all the luck!  He told me last night how happy he was, I believe him now,  GOOD JOB!
Rodder's Roundtable / I can't believe this stuff
May 24, 2007, 10:34:24 PM
As some of you know my 64 Econoline has been in the body shop since December for a job that was promised to take 3 weeks.

The body shop has now gone out of business.  The owner did tell me what was happening and said that he would finish my van up before he turned the shop over to the new owners.  The new owners took over May 15th.

The new owners took over with nothing being done to the van.  The old owner had agreed to stay on and work for the new owners, and they told him he could finish my van up at their shop.

FInally the new owners decided they would finish the paint job to help me out and to get the van out of their way.  They painted it, and it looks pretty dang good. But, they wanted this SOB to put it back together and deliver it to me.  He won't touch it. He keeps promising, but doesn't deliver. I think I've heard every lie a body man can tell in the last six months.

So they decided to help protect their reputation they would try to put the van back together. Now all the new window rubber has vanished.  The NOS parking lights have disspeared, parts of the window regulators have gone,  the new windshiield and gasket can't be found, and my brand new seats with $400 worth of new tweed upholsetery has been left outside in the rain.  The new spare tire is gone. Who knows what else is missing.

The new owners told me that they would finish the van up for the balance on the job.  $600.00 is all I owe them, (already paid over $2,500).  But that they won't replace any of the missing parts or pay for any more materials that are needed.  They've already billed me for paint for some small parts that had been sandblasted and primed but not painted.

I only have liability insurance on it until I get it finished and appraised, so I have no help from  my insurance company to fall back on.

I guess I could go in and raise he!! about it, but that wouldn't get me anywhere.  I could hire a rollback to go get it and bring it home and try to finish it up by myself, but that will still cost me a couple hundred because the body shop is an hour away from home.

Any suggestions?
so you did it!  Congrats to Rob.

About stepB, sorry for all the loss this woman has caused in your life, but you gotta bunch of friends here that have your back, darlin.  Hang on better days are coming.
Rodder's Roundtable / New member
April 29, 2007, 09:15:57 PM
welcome to RRT,as you can see by my numbers I don't have much to say, but do enjoy reading the posts.  Cool list of vehicles.

A couple of years ago I designed a logo for and lettered the side of a Divco milk truck for a restorer over in South Carolina.  Neat old trucks, I like 'em better hotrodded though......when can we see your Divco?
85 degrees, put the boat and took Halfpint to ride in "Halfpint II", just wish gas wasn't $2.79 a gallon, at 6 gallons an hour it's expensive fun.

grass can wait another week, I'm getting back on the water!
well since the econoline is still at the body shop, was suppose to be 3 weeks, we're into the 4th month now, I won't be doing any work on my ride this weekend. :evil:

Putting the boat into the water for the first time this year, oh and cutting the grass for the first time too....
looks good Debb, sure hope things work out for you on it.
Rodder's Roundtable / RRT BBQ
April 16, 2007, 09:02:29 PM
you folks sure know how to rub it in on those of us that couldn't make it!
but I'm glad to know that the northern chapter knows how to have fun
Rodder's Roundtable / Has it been a year?
April 10, 2007, 08:47:17 AM
hop in that Lincoln and drive on down to Augusta, I'll take you to where the "golfers" eat!  LOL   What time should I tell Bosshole I'll be leaving for lunch?
Rodder's Roundtable / Has it been a year?
April 10, 2007, 08:38:18 AM
Dang... Deb Butler, aka KustomLincolnLady, has a birthday today!
Happy Birthday Darlin'! :D
Rodder's Roundtable / Chat
March 19, 2007, 09:18:38 PM
Quote from: "KustomLincolnLady"
Quote from: "enjenjo"Well, we are trying to change the chat so it doesn't kick you out so fast, we are looking at 30 minutes. That give you a chance to lurk.

And as far as being included, I try to include every one. Even Vance, and he has a street beast :shock:  It may take a couple times, before I learn enough about you to "banter", but trust me, keep coming back, and I'll get to you. :lol:

If I have made anyone feel unwanted, I am truely sorry, that is not my intent. I am here to learn, and have fun, and I do on both counts. You all are the best bunch on the net, and I'm glad to know you all.

Believe it or not, I am a one finger typist, and if I can do it, any one can, we don't count off for spelling, particularly on chat.

I think its hard for the guys who are farther away and don't know that many people. some are just shy too  :P
You just have to jump in on the conversation or start one of your own, LOL (right Charlie?) someone in the room will respond!!!

Heck its fun just to go and listen to what they say about dave!! cause he can't stay up late, ha ha (just kidding Dave) Me loves ya  :wink:

I've been thinking about this for a while, would it work to have a prepared "topic" a few times? maybe open people up a bit?  or a kind of "Live" tech thing. Not up my alley but I could adjust, LOL.

See Rob I was nice to you  :)  ha ha

Debb, were you talking about me again?    I do have a shy bladder but how'd you know?   :oops:
Rodder's Roundtable / Chat
March 18, 2007, 04:35:29 PM
back a couple years ago when chat was on Sunday night I was there almost every weekend.  Then we purchased our lake house and since it is closer to work, I'd stay there on sunday nights then head out to work on Monday,  don't have a phone line there so I can't get on line on sunday nights, and kind of drifted away from posting here during the week.

When I got the email months ago about the site I decided to try to get active again, when I found out chat had been moved to Wednesday, I made a point to go into the chat room a couple of times.  

But in my absence, I became an outsider, and especially when I'm in chat I feel like I'm just interupting other's conversations. Since most of you don't  know me, and I don't know you it's difficult to become a part of the conversations that are going on, so I'd just sit there until I got kicked out for inactivity.  Not alot of fun in that, so I just don't go into the chat room, even if I'm on the site during chat time.

I'm not trying to speak for anyone else, and please understand that this isn't in anyway a complaint against anyone here, or the group, just simply saying why I don't go to chat.

I don't post much but do read almost every post, and this is one of the first sites I visit when I get online.  I appreciate the information here, and also enjoy reading  the good natured banter back and forth between the more active members.
It's butt kicking day in Georgia-lina.   I took the 64 econoline into the body shop 2 weeks before christmas, they guy said it would take 2 weeks to do the body work, and another week to get it painted, and he wanted all his money when I picked up the van and was satisfied.

Two weeks into the job he called and wanted $1,000, which I gave him. A month later, he needed another $1000, so I gave that to him with the reminder how far behind we were getting.   We've preregistered for the show in Myrtle Beach SC coming up the middle of this month.  Even reserved a condo with friends.  He's been promising me that I could have it for the weekend after he gets the inside ready so I can work on it, and he'd put the paint on the outside the next week.

I his defense I did pull it out of his shop for a week to have some motor work done on it,  that's when we found out that his blaster had sandblasted over 50 holes in my radiator, so we had to wait for that to come in.

This guy is really getting on my nerves, so I'm loading up in a few minutes to go find him and find out why this 3 week job has turned into 3 months!

I've got one full weekend to get something done to the interior, and he doesn't seem the least bit concerned.

I thought all liars were signmen, I guess some went into the paint and body business too   LOL
