The Rodding Roundtable

Motorhead Message Central => Rodder's Roundtable => Topic started by: Carps on February 27, 2005, 04:07:10 AM

Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Carps on February 27, 2005, 04:07:10 AM

Long live the Rodders Roundtable!
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: gt28a on February 27, 2005, 04:08:40 AM
The lights went out....fade to black :cry:
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: 32coupe on February 27, 2005, 04:10:50 AM
And I was halfway through one of the most profound posts that I have ever written....................................and if you believe that you are dumber than an administrator that I know of :lol:
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Crosley.In.AZ on February 27, 2005, 09:37:05 AM
I am of the opinion this may have deeper roots than we know.  This shut down is being discussed by board admin guys on several boards.

this is setting a precident getting a board shut down because of comments by members.  this worries me greatly.

I think more similar stuff may be on the horizon
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Stakebed on February 27, 2005, 11:38:38 AM
My boss at work is into stamp collecting. He wasn't surprised when I mentioned what was going on with HRI. He had belonged to 2 stamp collecting boards which were shut down due to threats of law suits, stemming from discussions about people who were selling counterfiet stamps on the internet.
     Aparently the laws here allready hold the operators of a site liable for things posted on the site. He also mentioned some threads containing lawyer jokes were removed from one site, doesn't take much imagination to figure that one out! :D
Title: Re: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: slocrow on February 27, 2005, 12:52:37 PM
To bad about your forum, mates. I've been giving the situation some thought while watching this debacle since it's recent inception and in review, if I've got it correct, it appears that somebody made a possibly slanderous statement about the Balkan boys wife. A reference to her employment and a nepotistic relationship with the ASRF seems to be at the heart of this issue. He, the Balkan bad boy, took exception with that statement, made on an open forum, and threatened the forum operator with suit, for providing the vehicle that allowed this proported slanderous statement to birth and exist.
You, the users of this specific idea interchange media, naturally feel slighted and believe that what you perceived as a free speech driven forum was ripped from your lives by an overly exuberant, wrongly hired, association executive.
As I understand from another board (cruizin) post, by a supposed representative of the federation, only an apology was required by a certain time, in order to make all things right. At least that's what I thought I read though I'm suspect of it's accuracy and correctness. This same post goes on to state that the federation is aware of the situation and is naturally backing it's executive.
This leaves you folks in the tenuous position of one, not wanting to hurt the organization that has done and presumable will continue to do much for street rodding in your country and two, a desire to censure this individual and get your board back on line.
If I'm correct, then how to do this is the question! What are your options? Here's my thoughts, for what it's worth.
Certainly cutting off the revenue streams to the ASRF i.e. membership, suppliers, vendors and advertisers would be an option. This tach should only be considered when all hope is lost and a plan to create another federation is agreed too. A-la Good Guys here in the states. Bringing pressure to bear on the current board seems the most logical approach. This can only be accomplished through the organization of a size worthy segment of the current membership, with the sole purpose of educating and convincing the balance of a need to regain control of the federation and get the forum back up and running. This action along with the creation of a political arm to work actively towards the removal of certain individuals who supported the closure of the forum, seems to be the only solution to remedy this heinous action forced upon you folks.
It's a lot of work and sacrifice and will severally cut into your rod building time but the reward is to regain control of "your club" and to once again have your beloved forum back on line.
As a thought to promote the education of the masses, might I suggest the wearing of T-shirts at ASRF events. Maybe something like this;
A narchy S urvives R odders F orum followed by, (ask me about it) printed underneath and/or flyers at events to be dropped into cars with this or another theme that explains your plight and asks for their specific support and help.

Anyway, it's cold and Winter here and I've apparently got way to much time on my hands. No intention to ruffle anybody's feathers just sympathetic to your position and wanted to offer an opinion. Welcome to the RRT and of course, good luck in any endeavors, regardless.......Frank
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: bcal on February 28, 2005, 07:25:20 PM
Thankyou for your thorts Frank.
You've summed it up quite well.
Too many, and me included, just want to chuck in the towel as far the asrf is concerned.
You're right we do need to form some sort of action group to promote change but we're all so far apart that it's hard to get together and organise things.
The internet is one way of doing it but how to stop prying eyes from seeing what you're up.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Anonymous on February 28, 2005, 07:53:21 PM
Any one heard any more about some one starting a rival group to the ASRF ?
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: 32coupe on February 28, 2005, 08:02:54 PM
No word on a new group, but this could be an idea for former members of the old one.

I can not take credit for this wonderful artwork, that would have to goto Hotrodmatt
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Anonymous on February 28, 2005, 08:59:54 PM
Just had an e-mail from a friend that would like to make these as stickers to take to the Aussie Nationals.

Told he has it blown up and on the office wall. My how news travels.

I must add the person that has it on his wall stated how he loved it.

Onya mate well done........... I do hope you have not trade marked it yet.......... or we may be in trouble with you and you may sue..... :lol:
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Anonymous on February 28, 2005, 09:23:40 PM
The HRI Ship went down at 8-01 PM Australian Eastern Standard  Daylight savings time 27th Feb 2005.
It had 455 Crew, 38 on board with 6 guests....
Well this is what I was told I  I missed the whole thing

That reminds me Cool23 was playing the last Post has anyone seen him ? :shock:

Or did he grab the anchor and not a life jacket  :roll:  :lol:
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Anonymous on February 28, 2005, 11:46:14 PM

Just a warning for you, seeing as you like playing with fire.

I heard about some one getting sued well you may have left yourself wide open with that logo as you have defaced a Trade Marked Logo.

Sorry I see the joke but you could be OUCH...... :oops:
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Dave on March 01, 2005, 12:45:14 PM
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! I kind of like that logo. May put one on my club jacket! My understanding is that the final approval for the TM has not been done yet so it should be okay for now. Besides once you change a certain percentage it is usually okay (anyone know the legal amount?)

I will introduce myself in the new users soon! By the way Simon (Cool23) got the last post! Big G was second last! And I have it as 8.02 p.m. that I pulled the plug so to speak. I felt like I was murdering Greg's child. All data is safely saved and if we manage to get back up nothing will be lost, including the post count, though I may have to 'edit' many of those ridiculous attempts to get the last post. Honestly children.

Anyone on this board heard about a possible new private 'Hotrod' organisation in Australia based on the 'Goodguys' format? Would Gary open up an Australian Arm of his business? Lots of talk over here. Will post some more when I get more time. See you at Sean's then the Rumble.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: choco on March 01, 2005, 04:14:25 PM
Quote from: "Dave"Anyone on this board heard about a possible new private 'Hotrod' organisation in Australia based on the 'Goodguys' format? Would Gary open up an Australian Arm of his business? Dave

It's already been done. In 1999, a heap of Sydney guys including Nick Rees and Alan Smiff were sporting "Goodguys" jackets and claimed to be the Sydney chapter.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: 38HAULR on March 01, 2005, 06:27:50 PM
Just read your post Frank [OHIO].It all makes sense,but issues like this can always be sorted by replying on a forum with your version ,affirming or denying the original statement.If the originator was incorrect,then the right thing to do is apologise.Unfortunately Australia is becoming a litigious society,we have people diving into shallow water,suffering injury ,and then blaming someone else ,and suing,because a warning sign was not there or a mile up the road.Unfortunately if you are aggrieved in some other manner,and go to a lawyer,the first advise you will most likely allegedly receive is ,SUE!.How else is he or she to make a living......Frank
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Anonymous on March 05, 2005, 12:54:30 AM
Quote from: "Dave"
Anyone on this board heard about a possible new private 'Hotrod' organisation in Australia based on the 'Goodguys' format?

Well I just got of the phone with some more information. These Guys must have money. I have heard they have spoken with Vic Roads and have access to the SR plate scheme and I assume from that other states may follow suit. I have also been told they have an engineer as part of the staff so if you are a member you get discounted access to a Qualified engineer.

Still no idea who is behind it but "These Guys" sound like the Guys a lot of Rodders need to know.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: X38 on March 05, 2005, 04:27:22 AM
Don't assume.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Carps on March 05, 2005, 07:20:06 AM
Yup, it only makes an * out of U and me.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Sean on March 05, 2005, 10:01:45 AM
Quote from: "38HAULR"Unfortunately Australia is becoming a litigious society

That crap happens over here all the time too. I am sure there are some lawyers with Morals, but most seem be in it purely for the money. Unfortunately there seems to be no shortage of unscrupulous people to support them.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: 38HAULR on March 06, 2005, 12:14:00 AM
Yep, Sean there are good and bad out there,I unfortunately copped the wrong type once,over what should have been a simple straight forward traffic accident,involving my daughter[her car was hit from behind].The mongrel law firm wanted payment up front before the case,then botched it .The outcome was the lawyer got my money,I ended up repairing daughter,s car myself. After the case we went  to the clerk of courts office where they arrangements are made for settlement to re compense the winning party,seeing my daughter was unemployed at the time,I told them "no offer,sue her ! she has no assets". We laughed and then walked out...........Frank.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Anonymous on March 07, 2005, 03:32:19 AM
Quote from: "Carps"Yup, it only makes an * out of U and me.

That is OK then as I did not make as * out of myself.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Outback on March 07, 2005, 08:41:57 AM
Quote from: "Dave"
I will introduce myself in the new users soon! By the way Simon (Cool23) got the last post! Big G was second last! And I have it as 8.02 p.m. that I pulled the plug so to speak. I felt like I was murdering Greg's child. All data is safely saved and if we manage to get back up nothing will be lost, including the post count, though I may have to 'edit' many of those ridiculous attempts to get the last post. Honestly children.

Anyone on this board heard about a possible new private 'Hotrod' organisation in Australia based on the 'Goodguys' format? Would Gary open up an Australian Arm of his business? Lots of talk over here. Will post some more when I get more time. See you at Sean's then the Rumble.

I feel like I got ripped off, I got home 15 minutes later and missed the light go out. :(

As for another Hot Rod organisation, I heard wisper's last year that a bunch of fella's in SE Qld were putting together somthing, I havn't heard anything else.

BTW good to see you here Dave.

Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: 38HAULR on March 07, 2005, 03:43:28 PM
Good to see more familiar names, outback,how,s life up in the "top end"..........Frank.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Outback on March 08, 2005, 10:41:20 AM
Mate, The Top end is sooo good!

If the life style was any more relaxed the back of our heads would touch our heels!

Life is much simpler up here, just a loooong way from rodding activity!  :cry:

Hangin to go south to see my rpu thou, oh yeah and some of you lot. ;)

Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: lobucrod on March 08, 2005, 08:51:18 PM
Quote from: "38HAULR"Just read your post Frank [OHIO].It all makes sense,but issues like this can always be sorted by replying on a forum with your version ,affirming or denying the original statement.If the originator was incorrect,then the right thing to do is apologise.Unfortunately Australia is becoming a litigious society,we have people diving into shallow water,suffering injury ,and then blaming someone else ,and suing,because a warning sign was not there or a mile up the road.Unfortunately if you are aggrieved in some other manner,and go to a lawyer,the first advise you will most likely allegedly receive is ,SUE!.How else is he or she to make a living......Frank

let me guess, they learned how to do that by watching American satilite TV?
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: flatoz on March 08, 2005, 10:03:15 PM
worse! lobucrod,

your * is all over our free to air tv, so the brain dead morons dont even have to pay to watch second class tv... :evil:
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 11:44:26 PM
So TISOK  how do you know I made the last post on HRI ???
Dave, thanks for the info on me making the last post on HRI.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Anonymous on March 08, 2005, 11:57:35 PM
me to know and........... :lol:
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: Mr34 on March 09, 2005, 03:45:56 AM
Quote from: "cool23"So TISOK  how do you know I made the last post on HRI ???
Dave, thanks for the info on me making the last post on HRI.

Ripped OFF! I was flat out tryin to get the last post..... :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: 38HAULR on March 09, 2005, 06:11:28 PM
It is an infectious thing lobucrod,the lawyers must have an "exchange site"where they can spread the theme.One of my work mates  who hails from Queensland, told me of a situation,where a drunken guy climbed up on someones fence and jumped into a canal,suffering serious spinal injuries.And sued  the property owner,because of no posted warnings signs,and was successful.Logic tells me that if he was so drunk,he would not have understood the sign if it were there anyway,and it was night time.........Frank.
Title: Hot Rod Internet is Dead!
Post by: flatoz on March 09, 2005, 06:44:24 PM
never undrestimate the predicability of stupidity