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Messages - Hooley

Rodder's Roundtable / 5 generations
August 13, 2015, 09:24:03 PM
Congratulations guys and gals . what an honor for all to be together.
Rodder's Roundtable / What are you doing today?
July 20, 2015, 06:22:04 PM
George, The Video came out great. Thank you.
That's some fuel system.
          Thanks for posting this video.  It takes a lot to make a wheel right .

We can't control the weather ,just make the best of it.  We had a good time in the parking lot the time we were there. Sum and Ruth had to leave a little early for home. As it was there was no racing and they didn't miss anything. Ken and I stopped at the Speedway museum . That is a great place.
Thanks everyone for your time and support. This is rain out #2 for us. I am counting last years World Final. Sum was ready to test the confirgation on the car. Hopeful a record was there.
 We heard roamers that they will extend World finals to include Speed Week time. Just roamers at this time.

Till Next time,
Have a safe trip, George.
Doug, I have some more Champion shirts. We will wait  till every one is there for pictures. It is good to hear Oddie is coming.

Yea, I don't know if every one will be there Fri afternoon. We may have to play it by ear.  We will work something out.
Thanks Beck for suggesting we take pictures early in the morning.
It seems like after racing starts there isn't much extra time.

Here we are 2 weeks till we leave for Sum's place. He has been working on the car all summer.  I have talked with some of you about coming to Speed Week. If you are coming and have a Champion T- shirt, please bring it along.  We're not sure of the racing plan yet.
As a lot of you know I ran a piece of wire into my left eye. It shattered the lens. The Dr. thinks I'll be able to get a new one by the last of AUG. We're hoping so.  If I feel driving isn't safe, Then Sum will start in where he left off last year.   Hope a Record and maybe the 200MPH club, Just hoping.
Should have more later,
Here it is the middle of June and little has been said about what is going on with 974 or 2974.  We have two numbers now. The 2974 is when we changes classes during Speed week . The car is entered in AA/BFCC for this Speed Week, if we get done in Fuel class and switch to Gas class with Sum driving then we change the number to 2974.
I went to Sum's last month and worked on the car. We finished putting it back together and fixed a couple of problems we found.
We left Sum's and went to El Mirage to watch their racing. They don't call it dirty for nothing. We did run it several people we knew from Bonneville.

When I left Sum's he had a long list of things to get done before we leave for Speed Week. He has been busy. Check out his web site for some of the things he is working on.

 We will leave Okla. about a week before Speed Week to get all the last minute things done.  

Since I don't have the car here to work on , I started building a 1942 Willys pick-up. I will get a thread started about it.

 Thanks Hooley
Thanks John for posting about Jerry. He was a good friend and will be missed. His positive attitude was there every day no mater what his situation was.

Miss you Jer,
Thanks guys and if any thing happens I'll let you know.

John got his "Century Of Speed" book the other day. He said there was a couple of pictures od the 974 in it.

Well it sure seems like a long winter. The car is at Sum's just waiting for summer. I am going out sometime this spring and work on the car , getting it ready for Speed Week.
 Sum has been busy working on his lakester.  Maybe this year or next.

This year I am not working every day to get the Stude ready and that is a relief for me. I was working on a 32 Ford glass roadster but sold it the other day. I didn't even take a picture of it.   I will move the 1942 Willys pu into the garage before too long. It will be a street able Gasser.

I want everyone to know that I appreciate the time ,effort, and money that you put in our Bonneville experience. It has meant a lot to me.

On a good note: The days are getting longer and it is getting closer to warm weather.

Rodder's Roundtable / Grand National Roadster Show
January 22, 2014, 03:07:49 PM
Sorry about being late on this . The third person is Tim that came with Mark from the Atlanta, GA area. They brought their Para-sails and flew them around when we weren't racing.
The picture showing was taken by David Fetherston. He is the one that wrote a book about 974 in 2010. That is the picture that is on the front of our book. The book is still available from him.
