The Rodding Roundtable

Site Content => Tech Archive => Topic started by: sirstude on May 17, 2007, 10:34:27 PM

Title: cheap hooks tip
Post by: sirstude on May 17, 2007, 10:34:27 PM
Here is my other tech tip for the month.  This is the cheapest one I have.  You all have wanted to hang cords, fenders, pry bars, and the like up in the shop.  We usually have a place to hang them from, but need a good hook.  I have tried tie wire, bungee cords, welding rod and the like.  I had an extra piece of 3/16 hard brake line around so I used pieces of that with a brake line bender to make up a bunch of hooks.  Some have the bends in the same plane, and some have the bends 90 degrees apart.  I have hung quite a bit of weight off these and no give at all.  $5 worth of brake lines will make quite a few hooks.

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Title: cheap hooks tip
Post by: enjenjo on May 19, 2007, 11:15:44 PM
I also use scraps of brake line to make test bends. You can make the scrap, bend it, and then hold it against the tubing you will use, to find where to start the bend.
Title: cheap hooks tip
Post by: sirstude on May 20, 2007, 12:24:13 AM
I forgot about the scraps to measure bends,  I have a drawer full of them, all sizes and angles.  Really helpful.

Thanks for reminding me Frank.