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Messages - _Drewfus_

Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
November 23, 2014, 03:31:50 AM
Hi Glen,
its been a while since I've checked in on this thread, but ever so glad I did. Your development of the car is great to see, am interested to see where you found to be successful regarding your rear bar setup, with the previously referenced IC /CoG.
the videos are inspiring and am amazed the relative calmness and control at the top end, with 3/4 of the pass your hanging onto the chute release.
Again, congrats on what you've acheived, and look forward to you continuing to zero in on making the car perform to its absolute best.
Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
August 09, 2012, 07:26:25 AM

any assembly updates?


Drewfus :D
Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
March 24, 2012, 08:34:18 PM
great to see the car's progress, congrats, and look forward to seeing it in action over the quarter,


Drewfus :D
Rodder's Roundtable / Happy New Year .......
December 31, 2011, 06:42:53 PM
Happy new year to all, and I trust that 2012 brings good health and happiness, glad to leave 2011 behind.


Drewfus :D
Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
August 18, 2011, 10:11:41 PM
very impressive (as always), appreciate the update, great workmanship and design, that fitting is 'king' big.

so you're not going to have even a small (relatively) fuel surge tank up front?


Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
August 17, 2011, 07:16:13 AM
any updates?

I realise there's alot going on at the moment, but I appreciate seeing your progress.


Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
May 31, 2011, 09:53:12 AM
that makes me go




very cool, on so many levels, very, very very wow.

paint time must be about now?

Congrats, great achievement,

Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
April 17, 2011, 07:44:45 AM
Quote from: "Glen"Finally....the pistons took five weeks to arrive after they were ordered.

Ok, from that I take it that they were 'very' special order, hence....what size and compression are they?

Sorry for the thousand questions, but really enjoying the detail, and not something I get to see much of.


Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
March 14, 2011, 10:38:25 PM
wow....that is displacement....what sort of cfm does that push?

cranky * that car is going to be....real mean.

love it :wink:  :lol:


Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
December 16, 2010, 06:25:55 PM
thanks, hadn't seen the other braces, and your reasoning for the firewall detail makes sense, and can appreciate your decision.

Any more detail on the engine and turbo format?


Rodder's Roundtable / 1966 Nova Build
December 16, 2010, 12:57:21 AM
at the risk of being an 'echo' of sorts, great job, and great to see you tackling this big job, and exceeding.

firstly, a couple quick questions,

1.brace -  on your barwork around your helmet, in the top left rear corner you appear to have a 5/8" dia. brace running at 45 degrees, what is this for, and if it's for bracing then why not on the right hand side (when viewed from the drivers position)?

2. firewall - whilst I realise the firewall didn't need any more 'strength' as such, but other than 'time' is there a reason you didn't add and swaging or die-work? even for asthetic value? again, not that it matters (nor any of my business), but I figuire your a man of detail hence would expect that you'd have added it.

I like the stands, if I may add a suggestion, maybe get a pair made up that are 12" tall, just to assist with raising and lowering by yourself as whilst my circumstances are different to yours, I too have a couple sets of stands which are of great assistance, and used for a number of tasks, and found the smaller set to be a real assistance when 'juggling roles' and tasks by ones self.

Anyhow, again great work, appreciate your posting it for us to view.


Rodder's Roundtable / Re: Garage floor paint
October 15, 2010, 10:38:05 PM
Been thinking about this topic for a while, and keep asking myself, "is it worth the effort?", don't get me wrong, asthetically a garage with a painted floor looks great, neat and tidy, but, does it really make any effective difference to either reducing dust buildup or cleaning up stains/mess?

Am I over-thinking this topic, but short of asthetics, are there any benifits?


Quote from: "Charlie Chops 1940"I often wonder what it's like to throw cubic bucks at a record that way, although it's just a matter of degree isn't it? It's just some guys cube is bigger than the others.

Ultimately, whilst I appreciate the dissapointment, we are all there with the lust of speed, and share the emotional ride the salt experience brings, irregardless of the size our 'cubes'. The goal of 'red caps' is that much more 'out of reach' than ever, but shouldn't stain the experience or undermine the achievements thus far.

All that aside, again, congrats to the team, and all involved, inspiration for everyone who wasn't able to be there.


Quote from: "Okiedokie"When I expressed my disappointment with his trouble that ended with a 228 mph run, he said " don't feel sorry for me, I just drove a car over 200 mph". Made me "just glad to be there". Thanks Hooley. Joe

that is very cool, and a great perspective.

Congrats to all involved, achievement plus.


Members Rides / 55 Buick...
August 19, 2010, 03:26:31 AM

I like seeing what other people are up to, and noted that its pretty quiet in here, so figuired it only fair that I 'put up or shut up' :wink:  and offer some dribble about one of my toys.

A couple of years ago now, circumstance forced me to look at finding a new form of transport to get to work, and whilst traditionally it has always been a ute, I decided to look at 'family hauler' this time around, but on a 'classic' kind of level, plus with the dollar being viable to go 'shopping' overseas.

At the time, I had a few friends also sourcing cars from Cal, and I had a 'good' friendship with a 'individual' from Bakersfield, who offered to help me sort out a deal. My budget & perspective Ied me to looking for a mid 50's Buick/Olds, and resulted in buying a 55 Buick 2 door hardtop from Texas, having a local Texas friend look at the car on my behalf prior.

I had the car shipped to Bakersfield, and did some homework and 'shopping', whilst organizing the import approval etc. everything went ok, got the approval, and in the mean time, another friend from Melbourne also bought a car, what was similarly stored at this Bakersfield address.

Another friend did a quick photoshop to illustrate my intentions (at the time)

Lots of things happened, and the expected timeframe of sending the cars kept getting pushed back and back, all good reasons, but annoying considering the investment and the period of time moving cars around the world takes.

Sadly, the 'experience' didn't turn out as expected, and seemed to go from bad to much worse real quick. In the interest of time, will cut out a lot of the detail, but after a lot of phonecalls/emails/money & frustration, and approx. 12 months, we finally had the cars released from the 'caretaker', and delivered to Long beach.

Cars got here, and after some more stuffing around and money, the Buick was sent northbound from Melbourne, to my friends workshop, with the view of doing a 'quick' tidyup so that I could get it ready for rego.

It was such a relief to finally be able to see the 'investment' (that's how I described it to Mrs Drewfus :wink:  :D ), and for my 3 year old to finally see 'daddy's Boo-ick', that was until I put it up on the Hoist.

Note: keep in mind we had already been treated to a 'lifes learning curve' when my brother bought his 49 merc, which turned out to be a POS, requiring a major overhaul, I should have know better....

Based on previous photo's and information sourced from my Texan friend, I knew it was going to need a bit of attention to detail, but was told that it had the potential with just a bit of TLC and effort, sadly he didn't really look too hard underneath the car at time of inspection...

Again, in the interest of time, will cut to the chase, and say that my Taxan contacts perspective on 'acceptable' rust levels, and my perspective are dramatically different.

My friend mentioned that he couldn't lift the carpet to check the floors as it had been contact cemented down, but after putting the car on a hoist and seeing the crap underneath, I proceeded to remove the interior, to find sheets of alloy tech screwed to what was left of the floorpan (not many screw used...)

Here's a sample of what I found..

Not happy.

Decided to do one half at a time....first the front

And the back,

much nicer...

Having access to a hoist proved to be a valuable commodity, with my perspective changing to now wanting a 4 post hoist of my own, and whilst I am yet to get it, hopefully soon.

Went through the car, and tidied a lot of things, got things actually working, and sorting out detail for NSW rego, this included H4 headlights, with inbuilt parkers, dipping to the left, new brake lines, getting the brakes to work, new steering items, kingpins, tierods, all that detail crap. Removed so much dirt from under car I'm amazed it got through customs (note: I did pay for the car to be cleaned in USA prior).

Re-did fuel supply, from tank to carb, although I aim to put it on gas in the near future, and fixed a bit more rust in the front gaurds etc.

Lots of stuffing around, but slowly ticking through the issues, ready for rego.

With a few days to spare, I got the car rego'd in time for my brothers wedding (Nov 2009, 2 years after originally purchasing car in Texas),

Plans for the similar to what we did to the Merc, this involves fitting either a 401 Nailhead/T400,or prefferably a 455 Olds/T400, fit a Series 2 Jag front end, bags, 4 link rear, and a 9". Lots of work, but, having done it all before, will be much easier this time around.

There are body repairs lurking, as the existing paintwork looks to be 'questionable', and I feel hiding some sins....hope to sort these out, and repaint in a Metallic Red roof (Toyota 'Wildfire" :wink:  :D ), and white body.

I hope to make some discrete custom touches hopefully, looking for either a 55 pontiac or olds dash assembly (would a 56 Buick dash fit?), and some straight stainless side trim (removing the standard buick profile, thinking along the lines as the single spinner side spear). If I can find some 56 Chrysler tail lights, the buick units will be removed also.

With the above mods, and sitting 3" lower, I think it will start being what I want it to be, it will take a lot more time and money, but having goals are good.

One day at a time, for now, it's making do with it's bad habits, and enjoying it for what it is, sure beats driving a tired old ute home from work.

Kids love it, Mrs Drewfus is starting to appreciate it .....(although yet to drive it, she preffers to drive my brothers merc which I look after on his behalf).


Drewfus :D